Lindsay Hubbard

Summer House Stars Cristina Gibson & Lindsay Hubbard Continue Trashing Each Other On Social Media

The friendship between Lindsay Hubbard and Cristina Gibson crashed and burned pretty much immediately after Summer House started airing. It was obvious there was going to be tension between these two, but I didn’t see the messy end to a friendship that ended up happening. And the drama wasn’t confined to the filming that took place last summer, Lindsay and Cristina are going at it on social media. Cristina’s boyfriend Everett Weston also jumped in on the feud.

I thought that this show was going to be all about the Wirkus Twins and Kyle Cooke, so I’m surprised that Lindsay and Cristina have the most conflict, but their pettiness makes for good TV…and Twitter feed.


You’re not supposed to mention being on a reality show on a reality show. You figured that would make sense since being on a reality show was the reality for the cast, but it is just some sort of convoluted inception situation. So unfortunately for Cristina, she could just say that she had to part ways with her job to film Summer House.

Cristina tweeted, “You can’t talk about the show on the show because it breaks the fourth wall, which is why I keep saying ‘in public.'” So Lindsay decided to drag her and undermine her career in public? I know that this is the first go at reality TV for this cast, but it really seems like Lindsay has no idea that her actions (and words) are being recorded.

Lindsay continued to drag Cristina‘s career on Twitter. She claimed, “Why is @CristinaGibson still trying to convince me of anything different than the paper trail I have from her backing up my statement?” Who cares if Cristina actually was fired? Why does Lindsay feel the need to undercut and embarrass her on this level? While Lindsay did the most to make Cristina look bad, Lindsay actually ends up looking worse for doing the most.

Based on Lindsay‘s comments during the episodes, it is apparent that she has no clue that the words “fired” and “quit” are not at all the same thing. Cristina questioned her: “Lindsay: ‘Fired, let go, quit, doesn’t matter’ – That quote is insane! Those are 3 ENTIRELY different things. #alternativefacts” She even managed to get in the phrase of the moment “alternative facts.” So topical, Cristina.

RELATED: Cristina Defends Herself After Lindsay Claims She Was Fired

Maybe Lindsay started to realize that it wasn’t a good look to consciously trash someone’s career in public because she tweeted, “@CristinaGibson I don’t care if you were fired, laid off, or quit. I’m over this conversation at this point! #Boring #MoveOn #Summerhouse”

Lindsay didn’t just leave the Cristina bashing to what was shown on the show, she made sure to let all of her followers know that Cristina was (supposedly) struggling to find work: “What you didn’t see is me helping @CristinaGibson try to find a new job for weeks + she couldn’t help me for one day. Sad.”

Getting back to the show, Lindsay really proved how ridiculously petty (and not fun) she is when she decided to interrupt everyone’s buzz at winery by holding a “renters meeting” since Cristina was merely a guest and not on the lease for the summer crib. At least Lindsay (kind of) acknowledged how ridiculous she was when she tweeted: “Okay… the renters meeting WHO DOES THAT? Haa! I just couldn’t take @cristinagibson’s complaining anymore. #MoveOn #summerhouse #CheesePlate”

Even Lindsay‘s loyal boyfriend Everett (who she seems to fight with every time they’re wasted) had to make fun of her renters meeting: “‘You’re a guest!’ ‘You’re a betch!’ #summerhouse #rentersmeeting breaking up a great day.”

I cannot be the only one who is so over this Lindsay and Cristina drama. I’d rather watch Kyle booty call his ex girlfriend Amanda (who he really should be dating because she’s adorable). The budding bromance between Carl Radke and Stephen McGee would make for way more enjoyable TV. Anything but this annoying argument over the same thing where no one will ever apologize.



[Photo Credit: Bravo]