New Season of 90 Day Fiance "Happily Ever After" Premiering May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premieres May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After is back to deliver another season of wall-to-wall drama on TLC May 20th, and as Chantel’s mother says in the explosive trailer, “Things are about to get a little bit more stupider.” All I have to say is: Bring. It. On.

Six couples we’ve come to know throughout their disastrous stories in past seasons of 90 Day Fiance are back to show us the hellish nightmare of what’s been going on since we last saw them. The roster includes: Chantel & Pedro, Molly & Luis, Annie & David, Paola & Russ, and – the hottest of ALL the messes that were ever messified – Anfisa & Jorge, and Nicole & Azan. Yes, we are in for a rare treat, folks. It’s basically the thunder dome of dysfunctional relationships, and we get a front row seat to the show.

Since we last checked in with each of the couples, many a sordid tale has cropped up in the news. Here’s what has been going on behind the scenes since last year, and what we can expect to unfold based on this season’s previews.

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premiering May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

Chantel and Pedro

Although they’ve been flying under the media radar since filming last, Chantel and Pedro were a catastrophic mess last time we saw them. The reason? Well, they’re families outright hated each other. And guess what – they still do! Pedro, who hails from the Dominican Republic, tried in vain to bring the families together for their (second) wedding in the DR. But his mother and sister, who served the dreaded chicken feet to Chantel’s family before going off on the bride about her drama queen ways, never warmed up to their American in-laws.

In turn, Chantel’s family has been suspicious of Pedro’s motivations from the outset. They’ve side-eyed him sending money, TVs, and clothing to his family back home – all while living in more modest conditions with Chantel in the U.S.

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premiering May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

This season, it looks as if Family Chantel will take their suspicions one step further by hiring a private detective to investigate Pedro. An inevitable fist fight breaks out between Pedro and Chantel’s meddling brother, River, over dinner as well, which leaves Chantel in her trademark state of wailing and wringing her hands. Yikes.

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premiering May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

Molly and Luis

Remember when Molly was trying to turn this bartender man-child into a husband? Yeah. That didn’t work out so well. Since admitting that they got legally married before the end of last season, Molly and Luis temporarily split, awkwardly exchanged words at the 90 Day Fiance Tell All, tried to reconcile, then called it quits again. Their divorce was filed in 2018, but it looks like cameras capture the drama leading up to split number two.

Will Luis make life miserable for Molly, her daughters, and Uncle Jesse before finally fleeing the scene? Will Molly’s owl statues and candles inspire another psychotic “devil worship” tirade out of Luis? According to the trailer, it looks very likely.

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premiering May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

Annie and David

Oh lord. The firehouse of broken dreams is back. And Annie is living in it with David, the husband who bought her hand in marriage for the low, low price of two water buffalo. David’s 18-year old son, Jacob, was sadly in the news this January for facial gunshot injuries sustained during an accidental shooting when his friend was “playing” with a loaded gun. Jacob was treated and – thank goodness – pulled through, but has undergone (and may have to undergo more) facial reconstruction surgeries to repair damage.

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premiering May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

Since David moved Annie to hell Louisville, he’s reportedly been working for his human ATM friend, Chris – but in what capacity, no one knows for sure. Previews reveal that Ashley, David’s adult daughter, still has lots o’ questions for her new stepmother. Such as: Did Annie really meet David in a karaoke bar, or was it instead while she was working as an escort in Thailand? Rumors of Annie’s previous – um – employment have been swirling around the couple since they first appeared on TV. Maybe this year, we’ll get some answers. Also, maybe this year David will actually get a job and quit living off of Chris and Nikki. (I know – dream on!)

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premiering May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

Paola and Russ

I’ll admit I sighed a long sigh of sheer exasperation when I saw that Paola and Russ were on the roster YET AGAIN this season. Sadly, it looks like the same storyline, different calendar year. Paola wants to be a lingerie model; Russ wants a demure housewife. I just want to see another photo shoot at which Paola is forced to pose on dirty sheets while calling the whole production “very high end.”

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premieres May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

Previews suggest many of the same recycled arguments we’ve seen from this couple over multiple seasons, including the conflict between Russ and JuanPaola’s nasty best friend. Maybe the ante will be upped when Russ (who looks almost unrecognizable in his newfangled hairdo) finally stands up for himself against Juan’s b*tchy jabs? We’ll see.

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premiering May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

Anfisa and Jorge

Okay, it’s time to bust out the heavy hitters! And in Anfisa’s case, that is a literal description. If you’ve followed any of Jorge and Anfisa’s social media over the last six months then I’m sorry you’ve seen a few things. Here’s the short list of what this couple has been up to since filming wrapped:

  1. The couple split up and are living separately, but both claiming to love each other very much. Okay. Moving on…
  2. Jorge was arrested in Arizona for transporting 300 pounds of marijuana, was released on $25K bail after being held two days in prison, and may face up to 12.5 years in prison if convicted. Anfisa picked him up.
  3. Anfisa and Jorge released a video on YouTube announcing that they were sticking together after Jorge’s arrest, but refused to discuss the details of the case. Anfisa also looked like she was about to murder Jorge in said video, and Jorge looked like he was in a hostage situation.
  4. Anfisa’s IG account was recently suspended after she put Jorge on blast for allegedly cheating on her with the late Stevie Ryan, whose texts Anfisa broadcast in multiple posts.
  5. Anfisa also published texts from Jorge’s ex-girlfriend, who is claiming that her child is actually Jorge’s. Whaaaaa?

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premieres May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

SO. There’s a lot to unpack here, friends. But it looks like the season is largely centered around Jorge’s alleged baby mama drama. Apparently, he’s got some ‘splainin to do. And some very high priced, second-hand Chanel bags to buy.

New Season of 90 Day Fiance “Happily Ever After” Premiering May 20th & It Looks Absolutely Insane

Nicole and Azan

Holy sh*t. Where to begin with this couple? Well, let’s travel all the way back in time to last Fall, when we last saw our fair lovebirds parting ways in Morocco as Azan fist-pumped a celebratory “SEE YA NEVER!” to Nicole once and for all. Or so we thought.

Since then we learned that Azan’s K-1 visa was denied, so Nicole used her one remaining brain cell to hatch a new plan: Fly to Morocco, marry Azan there after slamming him into assorted doorways, and wait for an alternate visa to approve him immigrating to the U.S. as her husband.

There’s only one snag: AZAN HAS MULTIPLE GIRLFRIENDS. Yes, Azan – formerly known as the victim in this dumpster fire of a relationship – is actually the catfisher. Since filming wrapped, multiple sources have confirmed (via interviews and published text messages) that Azan was courting multiple women around the globe at the same time he was professing his 55% attraction to Nicole. And he was conning them all out of their money!

Previews hint at Nicole finding out about at least one of these side chicks during the days leading up to their wedding – but will that stop her from ultimately marrying Azan? If I were to wager a guess, it would be a hard NOPE.

An all new season of 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After premieres May 20th on TLC. Click here to see all of the dirty details in the extended preview trailer!


Photo Credit: TLC