The fifth season of the Real Housewives of Orange County premiered Thursday night, during which we saw Gretchen Rossi and Tamra Barney going at it.
In a new interview with TVGuide, Gretchen opens up about the new season and tells us why she is no longer “taking any more punches.” The punches she’s referring to are those of her fellow castmates, Tamra and Vicki Gunvalson.
Gretchen reveals why the first ladies of Orange County will always hold their own among the many new faces of the Housewives franchise. “We are the original housewives, and ultimately people’s hearts are within the story lines of the people they’ve seen forever,” Gretchen says. “Each of us women on the show has a little bit more sophistication and class than maybe some of the other [cities] project.”
Interesting to hear Gretchen talking about class, considering all the explicit photos of her that leaked out this year. Regarding her ongoing tension with castmate Tamra, Gretchen says, “There might be some resolution but ultimately, I just say what needs to be said and I finally stand up for what’s right.” She continues, “I’m back and better this season and I’m not taking any more punches.”
And when asked about her new beau Slade Smiley, “Slade is a part of my life right now and I’m so grateful to have him in my life,” Gretchen says. “I truly feel like Jeff sent me Slade.”
Thoughts on the new season – It came off a bit boring to me, as well as fake and a tad bit sad. The ‘long awaited’ argument between Tamra and Gretchen didn’t redeem the episode for me. Watching the women go through their financial struggles was a bit sad to watch, and somewhat of a downer. Gretchen and Slade’s convenient new relationship? Not buying it, considering there were rumors she was suppose to appear on season 4 as Slade’s “girlfriend.” Arranging for all these ladies who hate each other to come together for dinner? Fake.
Perhaps it’s because I’m coming off the drama packed season of the Atlanta housewives, but this new season of the OC just lacked something. Maybe it’s because most of these ladies are not friends and don’t have the years of history the Altanta ladies have with one another. It’s going to become a tough task for Bravo to continue topping each shocking season of their Housewives’ franchise. It was however nice to see that some things, or people rather remain the same. How classy was it of Vicki to mention the fact that Jeana needed to borrow money from her, and her answer was a big NO! From watching the first episode, it’s easy to understand why Jeana is ready to move on. Quite frankly, I might be too.