The Bachelor’s Jake Pavelka is promising us that we ain’t seen nothing yet when it comes to the ABC dating show! According to Jake, we should expect another dramatic event in his season of The Bachelor, he even promises this will be much worse than the Rozlyn Papa drama.
Really? much worse than a bachelorette cheating on you Jake? In a new interview, the 31 year old pilot reveals the lowest point “is yet to come,” Jake tells ET. “It won’t be any secret,” he adds.
“Horrible. Awful. On a scale of one to 10, it nears a 10.” Jake admits that the to-be-revealed event created “devastation” for him. “It is juicy now,” he teases. “It is going to get a lot juicier.”
There have been spoilers revealing one of the girls will end up leaving the show on her own accord, could that be what Jake is referring to? Only time will tell.
As for the dishonest and crazy women on his season, Jake claims he harbors no ill will toward Rozlyn nor Michelle Kujawa, who left the show under less than ideal circumstances. Of Rozlyn’s alleged affair with a show producer, he adds, “If she truly found love, then I’m happy for her.” Sure you are Jake.
Jake also continues to dodge the engagement question. “My parents don’t know,” he scoffs. “They don’t have any idea of the outcome, so it is amusing to think that there are people out there who do.”