Shayne Lamas Reveals Sex of Baby! Will Name Baby “Press”

Shayne Lamas

Former Bachelor winner Shayne Lamas is not only revealing the sex of her baby but also the shocking name she plans on naming the unborn tot!

Shayne, who is married to Nik Richie of, confirms to E! News that she is having a girl! But here comes the shocker! Shayne reveals she and hubby Nik are planning to name their baby Press. Yes you read that right — ‘Press.’

“Her name came to us at the beginning of my pregnancy, because she was getting so much press,” Shayne told E! News. “It started as a joke, her nickname was ‘Press Baby,’ but when we found out it was a girl, suddenly that was her name—her name was going to be Press!”

Ai ya ya. Shayne, 25, adds, “I think Press is a beautiful name, we’re elated, little princess Press!”

Even better for poor little baby Press, though yet to be born, she’s already in talks to sign with the talent agency Z Group! “Press has been getting so many offers, more offers than me and my husband have ever gotten!” Shayne said. “Whether it’s a baby product or pictures or an interview, a lot of stuff has been coming, and people want to sign her, and she’s not even born yet!”

When asked how hubby Nik, who’s website is known for harshly critiquing women, feels about having a girl, Shayne states: “My husband is biting his nails! He thinks it’s karma and it’s God getting back to him for his website.” Shayne and Nik tied the knot last year in April after only knowing each other for a few hours.

For the time being, Shayne is currently filming a new reality show for the Oxygen network. She however promises the C-section delivery of baby Press on Nov. 11 will be kept away from cameras. “I decided personally to keep her out of the whole reality world and keep the birth personal for me and my family,” she said.

Below are more pics from Shayne’s recent baby shower! Photos source –