Kardashian Family Angry With Kim Kardashian Over Divorce Backlash; Their Empire Is In Danger

According to a new report, Kim Kardashian is not only experiencing the wrath of the general public over her sham marriage and quickie divorce, but also the wrath of some of her family members as her actions now threaten her family’s multi million-dollar empire!

The latest issue of In Touch Weekly magazine, which dubs the Kardahians “America’s Fakest Family,” is reporting Kim’s divorce has split the Keeping Up With The Kardashian family into two battling sides. Pimpmomager Kris Jenner is reportedly siding with her golden child/money-maker Kim, while Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian are furious with Kim over the divorce and the backlash it has caused.

“The family has split into two camps since the divorce – Kim and her mom versus the rest of the family, who are really angry at her,” an insider reveals. “Encouraged by her mom, Kris, Kim has become a fame-addicted, money-hungry monster. She has lost touch with reality.”

The insider adds that Khloe is furious with Kim as her divorce has now put the Kardashian empire, reportedly worth over $65 million, in jeopardy. In fact, the two reportedly got into a huge blowout during their recent visit to Australia.

“Khloe was mad because Kim was trying to look sad [about her divorce],” describes an onlooker. “She was telling Kim that people would see right through it, and Kim was only making things worse.” Things got so nasty between the sisters that they were later seen “swearing at each other.”

Following the public outcry, the Kardashians are now said to be in panic and are trying to do “damage control” so they don’t lose everything. “Divorcing Kris so soon after such an expensive wedding, done in front of TV cameras, could well be the kiss of death for the whole family’s career,” explains the insider.

Indeed, as a report by the Hollywood Reporter confirms the Kardashians’ fears which is that their empire is now in danger following Kim’s quickie divorce. Marketing experts are now stating Kim’s actions have damaged her brand identity and threaten to change the way the public and future employers view her.

“She’s completely betrayed the expectations of her brand, because she was a girl with ordinary values, ordinary hopes and dreams who happened to be very glamorous and exotic and happened to be living a very extraordinary life,” President and Brand Strategist at New York’s Truth Consulting, Linda Ong, tells The Hollywood Reporter. “Now, what she’s done is shown that she is as shallow as people like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan and the train wrecks of Hollywood that we detest,” Ong continues. “She’s exposed herself as really not one of us, but someone who is the kind of person we thought she wasn’t.”

Another marketing expert Christine Kirk, CEO and founder of Social Muse Communications, also believes permanent damage has been done to the Kardashian brand.

“I think it’s more about revealing her desire, her hunger for continuing to grow this empire that she’s built,” states Kirk. “And I don’t necessarily think it’s shallowness, I think it’s getting caught up in maybe dollar signs and the overall potential that the wedding could have on her overall brand and her empire. And I think that she revealed that.”

Linda adds: “She was impulsive and flighty and naive or money hungry. I mean none of these things are good qualities.”

The media backlash doesn’t appear to be ending anytime soon (see, below) are there are three very unflattering magazine covers for Kimmie from this week’s tabloids.

As for Kimmie’s husband of 72 days, Kris Humphries, he now reportedly feels used by her. “Kris started to feel like a punching bag,” a friend tells Life and Style magazine. “He felt like the guy who got married to Kim on TV, not really her husband. He felt used.” Kris’ dad revealed earlier this week that his son was completely blindsided by the divorce filing and found out about it through the media.

As for Kimmie, she recently wrapped up filming in Atlanta for the new Tyler Perry movie and has also taken up tweeting again. When her little sister Kylie Jenner tweeted that “it’s always the people who know the least about you who want to judge you the most,” Kimmie responded: “What a wise little soul my baby sister.” Poor little rich Kimmie…

[Photo credit: Judy Eddy/WENN.com]


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