Big Brother 14 Week 3 Spoilers: Power Of Veto Winner And Ceremony! What Happens To HoH Shane’s Nominations?

Cripes. Shane is a powerhouse – winning two Power of Veto competitions, with the second win saving him from eviction, and the latest Head of Household competition. If he stays for the duration of the season, he could beat Janelle Pierzina‘s record. On last night’s episode of Big Brother, Danielle realized all the lesbians in the world are not plotting to get her into bed, the houseguests scrambled to avoid being nominated, one the most disturbing competitions in Big Brother history happened, and Shane named his nominations.

The Coaches Competition starts with the Booty Scooty 6000. I now have a clear picture of what Mike Boogie Malin looks like when he’s having sex with old men. My retinas are burning! Britney Haynes fails at the Booty Scooty and names Ian and Joe as Have Nots. Hip 2 Hip knocks out Boogie. He gets money, divided into three amounts – $6000, $3000, and $1000. The greedy bastard keeps the $6000 for himself (okay, I would have done the same). He gives Ian $3000 and Jenn $1000. Ian tears up. My warm and fuzzy feelings are immediately erased by the Tongue Trainer Elite. Basically, Dan Gheesling and Janelle are french kissing a switch. I’d rather watch Ian assault his teddy bear with his tongue. Janelle’s tongue wins. As the winner, Janelle makes Wil safe for the week. Good move, because he would have been nominated otherwise.

Shane nominates Joe and Ashley. Huh? No Frank? Will something big happen this week? My goodness, I hope so. I cannot believe the first three evictions were Jodi, Kara, and JoJo. Way to get those big threats out of the house, guys.  Will the Power of Veto shake up the nominations? WARNING – SPOILERS AHEAD!


Either I tuned into the live feeds at the wrong times last week or they were totally boring without Willie Hantz. I saw a lot of chess playing and bubble baths. Some moments worth mentioning:

Joe lies just for the sake of lying. This fool goes and tells the houseguests that he actually named “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter.” Why? Then, he tells the house that his great uncle used to own the land where the White House now sits. Said great uncle sold the land for a mule and a 1/5 of whiskey. Isn’t that nice? What a weirdo.

Joe and Frank openly celebrated setting up Willie.

Janelle tells Danielle that JoJo said she is fat. JoJo never said this. Janelle made it up simply because she was bored.

Big Brother Recap: Eviction, HoH Competition, And America’s Choice

Immediately following Shane‘s HoH win, Joe expects he and Wil will be nominated. Meanwhile, Danielle’s biggest concern in the Big Brother house is whether or not Shane hooked up with JoJo. She reeks of desperation and insecurity. While Danielle continues to force herself on an uninterested Shane, she does manage to talk some game. She urges Shane to nominate Frank.

Janelle‘s team immediately begins butt kissing. Janelle talks a big game about hating and taking out floaters, but she sure is floating from one side of the house to the other every time the power shifts. Britney tells Shane to nominate Joe and Frank. At first, nominations are slightly delayed, giving Boogie and Frank time to get into Shane’s head at the last second. Then, production rushes the nominations, repeatedly ordering Shane to the diary room, before he has a chance to think and/or talk to Britney. Shane nominates Joe and Ashley. Britney is shocked. Danielle is mad. Danielle wants to be the swing vote between Boogie and Janelle’s teams, giving her power to make deals.

By not nominating one person from Team Boogie and one person from Team Janelle, as planned, Shane pretty much outs his allegiance to Team Boogie and/or Frank. This is a risky move.  Personally, I think Shane made a sound decision. Piss off two teams or one team? I’d pick one.

Power of Veto Competition

Playing in the PoV are Shane (HoH), Joe (nominated), Ashley (nominated), Danielle, Frank, and Wil. Ashley pulled “houseguest choice” and chose Wil. I think the player deemed safe for the week should be ineligible to play PoV. Depsite Janelle’s entire team playing for the veto, Shane wins again! Third PoV win in a row. Up until last night, Joe has been the target. Janelle‘s team tries to get Shane and Britney to consider using the veto to put Frank on the block.

But first… there’s a sushi party happening in the backyard for Dan, Boogie, Janelle, Britney, Danielle, and Shane. Inside the house, there’s a beer and wine party going on. Eventually the two parties come together. Craziness ensues! The hamsters play a game of drunken spin the bottle. Danielle and Shane kiss. Ashley and Ian kiss. Janelle and Jenn kiss and Britney and Ashley kiss, probably horrifying Danielle. Also, Ashley and Boogie really kiss. At one point, Wil and Janelle both slurp wine off the counter, to be sure not a single drop of alcohol is wasted. Wil and Ian both  run around naked. Shane gets giddy, asking Wil if he can spank him as he runs by. He seems way more excited about this opportunity than anything JoJo or Danielle has offered.

Janelle, Dan, and Britney are convinced the coaches are coming into the game on Thursday. Shane and Danielle don’t think it’s going to happen.

Joe is campaigning hard to make deals. He tells Boogie he’s going to Shane for a two-week deal. Boogie says “So you’re Harry Potter and you’ve got a magic wand? Well, try what you can.” Later, Boogie and Frank laugh at Joe’s plan. Joe talks to Shane. He says,“If a person is hanging off a cliff and you save him, then that person becomes very grateful and loyal. I’m on my knees.” He swears on his wife, kids, dog, and frying pan’s life that he’d turn against his team in favor of Shane.

Shane talks to Dan. Shane thinks taking Frank out will sink Boogie and his team. Dan tells Shane that Boogie cannot be trusted. Shane respects Dan’s opinion. Dan asks, “Does being aligned with Frank make you a bigger target?” Shane’s wheels are turning.

Britney doesn’t support the plan to backdoor Frank. Being the lovely coach that she is, she says to Shane, “You’re on a power trip. Why don’t you just put on the HoH robe and sit here and have everyone come up and offer an animal sacrifice. You’re being a douche.”

When Wil talks to Shane, he tries to cast doubt on Frank by using Ian as his pawn. When Wil campaigns for his team’s safety, instead of suggesting the obvious target, Frank, he attacks Ian. Wil is pushing for Shane to nominate Ian. Considering Ian a bigger threat than Frank is ridiculous, right? But, the plan is to make Frank look shady. It’s assumed – the only reason Wil would campaign for Ian over Frank would be if Frank and Wil have a deal. Britney says, if Ian is Wil’s main target, it would be stupid for Shane to take him out. Wil going after Ian leaves Shane safe. Britney believes Frank and Wil have a final two deal. When Britney later asks Ian if Shane is safe, he fails to give a straight answer.

Shane is seriously considering using the veto to nominate Frank.

Wil says to Janelle, “I was convinced they had an alliance with Frank.”

Janelle says, “They did, we just broke it up.”

Power of Veto Ceremony

The veto ceremony just ended. Shane takes Ashley off the block and replaces her with Frank, blaming Ian for the switcheroo. Ian is a mess. Boogie is raging inside. I cannot wait to see Boogie’s reaction! Frank is still cool, calm, and collected. It seems as if Frank and Boogie completely believe Shane and blame Ian. So funny! They’re not worried yet because they think they have Danielle’s vote.

I think Ian is onto Shane though… will he put it together and shake things up further?

Frank tells Jenn that he believes Joe is still the target. And, if he does go home, it’ll be Ian‘s fault! OMG!

Janelle and Britney‘s groups are back to making Ian the house creeper. Britney keeps talking about how nobody ever makes big moves in the Big Brother house. She’s really tooting her own horn right now.

Congrats, Janelle! Janelle got Shane to veto his own nomination, use the PoV on one her team members, and nominate her target. That’s impressive. I’m still processing all of this. What do you all think?

I do think Boogie and Frank would have kept their deal with Shane – at least for next week – but there’s no doubt in my mind that Janelle is a sneaky liar. If the HoH falls in her favor, I think she’s coming after Shane next week. Hardcore.

Thursday’s Live Eviction and HoH

On Thursday, either Frank or Joe will be the next player evicted from the Big Brother house.

JennIanAshleyWil, and Danielle will vote. Presumably, Danielle will cast the deciding vote. Will the coaches enter the game? (as if there’s any doubt) Will all four coaches simply enter the game or will they have to compete for it? Will the coach’s comp or the HoH or both be endurance? Who do you think has the best chance at winning an endurance competition?


 Photo credit: CBS

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