Last Thursday the Real Housewives of New York taped their season five reunion. Heather Thomson already promised it was going to be a "bloodbath" and the reactions on twitter seem to support that things got rough, but not too terrible. I'm betting it was a constant battle Aviva Drescher vs. Pinoja.
Taking to their twitter pages, the ladies all posted their reactions as well as tons of photos! Some people got dressed in the dark, clearly. Andy Cohen announced that the reunion was filmed in an "art deco fantasy land in Manhattan."
According to the Huffington Post none of the ladies know the location of the reunion until they arrive! "None of the cast members know the location of the taping,” a Bravo insider shared. “They have been told cars will pick them up from their apartments early tomorrow morning and take them to the secret venue to get hair, makeup and dresses."
"Once they are on the set, no cell phones will be allowed and they will all be warned about the confidentiality agreement they all signed as part of their contract. All they know is the place will have an art deco theme.”
“The network loves the cast tweeting and doing interviews, but certain story lines must be kept secret,” a cast member added. “Why would anyone tune in to watch the reunion shows if we know exactly what went down by the end of day Thursday?” Well, the ladies definitely took to twitter to drop some hints about what happened!
"We survived the reunion," Ramona Singer tweeted adding a photo of her with Sonja Morgan. "Well it's been a long day nite all hitting the pillow and I'm not setting my alarm."
While it seems like things definitely had their nasty moments, it was a lot less vitriolic than last years. LuAnn de Lesseps tweeted "Having a dance party to oldies on our lunch break:))" That's positive right! She also teased that "no one left in a huff yet." Making it a first for RHONY reunions!
Aviva, ready to brave her first reunion admitted she wasn't quite sure what to expect.
"Reunion done!!! I am alive!!!," she wrote upon emerging. But all was not well, that ended – ummm… alive? "Woke up with a migraine from yesterdays reunion!!! Sheeeeesh!," she further revealed. Must have meant a lot of yelling went on!
"It was a long day with a tough crowd! luckily i have patience and a life!," Sonja reacted. Although she definitely pointed out that she's seen worse! "it wasn't as bad as Last year but was a long day."
"We just wrapped #RHONY Reunion and it was awesome," Andy shared. "Tons of laughs and drama! I for sure caught Ramona's cold!" Well that doesn't sound too terrible does – well, except for the breathing in Pinot germs. Ew. Don't share wine glasses, Andy!
And moving on, tonight is an all-new episode of RHONY. Aviva and Ramona face-off as Aviva still can't let go of St. Barths drama. Wasn't that years ago at this point?
Sonja goes to court with her ex-husband and seems to reach a settlement – finally! And Heather offers Aviva the opportunity to walk in her fashion show; which surprises Aviva. Also, Papaviva returns as he wrecks havoc with Pinot at a women's charity and is escorted out! Who brought George to a women's charity? That's not a pick up joint. #EpicFail. #KeepItInYourPants
Reality Tea will be salivating over every moment of drama through the live-tweets. Especially the moment when Ramona loses it on George. She doesn't find his antics quite as charming now that she's on the outs with Aviva does she?
Real Housewives of New York airs tonight at 9/8c on Bravo.
[Photo Credit: Ramona Singer’s Twitter]
The top secret location revealed! Oooohhhh… shiny! [Credit: Andy Cohen’s Twitter]
LuAnn getting ready to face pirate accusations live! [Credit: LuAnn de Lesseps' Twitter]
I truly have faith that 1992 called and wants its wardrobe back. Is that dress leather? [Credit: Ramona Singer’s Twitter]
Sonja and Ramona on "lunch break" from filming. "five hours left to go!" [Credit: Ramona Singer’s Twitter]