VIDEO: Teresa Giudice On Wendy Williams! Says Her Parents Think RHONJ Is “Disgusting!” Plus, Joe Giudice To Accept Plea Deal?

Oh, Teresa Giudice. Didn't your very sweet mama ever teach you that if you don't have anything nice to say, zip it? I'm guessing that old-fashioned adage came before the era of reality TV! In the days following the first installment of the circus of crazy known as the Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion, all eyes are on the ladies as they scramble to defend their deplorable behavior. 

In a Bravo blog I'm suuuuure she wrote herself, Teresa sorta, maybe, kinda, a little bit takes accountability while also pointing fingers at others. Just to be fair – all the ladies are behaving similarly! Let's get this started. 

"Like every Housewife in every city, I think filming the reunion is one of the worst parts of our job. It's a long, long day, it always gets ugly, it's hard to sit through and even harder to watch. At least this year I knew what I was walking into: I knew the other cast members, even my family, were going to band together to bash me. Last year was a total shock. This year was just sickening and sad."

"They're so desperate to make me look bad. Here's the thing: I don't care. I know who I am and I don't need to prove it to any of them. And I'm certainly not going to waste my off-camera, family time looking up words in the dictionary and making obsessive lists about them."


As for some her more ruthless comments at the reunion ("blubber, blubber, blubber," anyone?) and reactions, Teresa simply says: "I'm not an actress, I don't practice in the mirror at night, so my reaction isn't always perfect. But I'm not perfect. I'm just me." 

"I'm not proud of everything I said at the reunion, but I am proud of the things I DIDN'T say. As they were yelling at me, I kept reminding myself not to say this or that about their private lives, I kept thinking about Dina [Manzo] and her and Caroline [Manzo]'s mom, Nettie, and family stuff I did not want them to hear me say."

"It was a struggle because they attack me so viciously and yet they have their own skeletons, their own public scandals and newspaper articles and financial problems that don't get discussed on the show, because I won't discuss them. They do it to me, but I won't do it back. So when Caroline fired at my appearance, yes I fired back. It wasn't a great moment, but I can only be pushed so far."

"Once we started going there with each other on our appearance, I guess it opened a can of worms for me that has really bothered me for a long time: Caroline's hypocritical and crazy unhealthy view of herself and how her view upsets her daughter."

TRUTH. Obvious TRUTH, for once! Continuing on…  

"What I can't stand is that Caroline has for years talked about how she loses weight naturally, she even did interviews on her 'portion control,' meanwhile she's hiding behind a secret surgery."

"Then you had her big storyline all season: hovering over Lauren [Manzo]'s shoulder and obsessing about her weight. I would NEVER allow that to be my storyline. Poor Lauren. When Caroline said in one of her on-camera interviews that she "couldn't even relate" to Lauren's struggle because she'd "been tiny her whole life," I realized what the problem was: Caroline." 

And while I do not condone a lot of what Teresa says, I 100% agree with whomever wrote this next part. Blog writer, whomever you are, co-sign! 

"And let's get this straight: Lauren was 185 pounds. Not 285. She's 24. Do you think major surgery chopping up your stomach is the answer for that extra 30 pounds? I don't. The ones who are sending out the bad message to kids in America are Lauren and Caroline for acting like Lauren was a prehistoric beast before and the lap band saved her life.

"Look at Lisa Lampanelli. I know she tried everything, and the lap band worked wonders for her. She looks amazing! That's the person who should get lap band, not a 24-year-old with a controlling mother. Sorry, but that's my opinion." 

Teresa also explains the "blubber" comment and why she couldn't define napalm, but I'll let you scoot on over to Bravo for all that! As for  cousin Rosie Pierri's explosion at the reunion, Teresa say she is "shocked," but not really.

She adds, "I think you got to see a bit more of the Kathy [Wakile] that I know… And Melissa [Gorga] and Jacqueline [Laurita]… "


Speaking of Kathy, Teresa recently spoke to RumorFix regarding Kathy's comments about her parents and apparently her parents are once again "disgusted" by RHONJ. I feel so bad for these people – first the Christening, now this! Leave the Old People Be!

“It was really sad. This is family. For family to do that –  it hurts and it’s very sad. I don’t know why she said it. It’s just sad and it’s not true,” Teresa says. “My mom is not a liar.”

Teresa reveals that her father was hurt by Kathy's comments about him – and she was surprised, given that Kathy always had a close relationship to her uncle. “I mean she adores him. They all went crazy for my dad. He’s an amazing guy. It’s just sad that she said that," Teresa explains.

And this latest tirade has led the elder Gorgas to officially sever ties with the show that made their family a household name. "My parents want nothing to do with this whole thing. They don’t even want to be on the show anymore." 

"To them it’s disgusting. It’s not something that they want to be part of and it’s not something that I wanted to be part of," Teresa says. 


Also, happening in RHONJ land, more information about Joe Giudice's impending trial for identity fraud is emerging. If you recall, Joe decided not to take a plea deal and instead try his luck in a trial. 

Apparently Joe was scheduled too appear in a Montville court yesterday to set a date for his trial, but according to prosecutor Jay McCann the appearance was adjourned. He tells the Montville Patch that the reason being is Joe is reconsidering taking the plea deal! 

Joe had previously rejected it because prosecutors decided Joe's offenses were too severe, and he would do "some jail time."  Joe has hopes that a trial decision would offer him probation only. 

After speaking with Mr. Juicy's lawyer, Mr. McCann reveals, that Juicy is deciding if he would move forward with the state's plea bargain or not.  "We're at that stage where they have to decide if they're going to take a plea bargain or proceed to trial," he shared. Adding that Joe would likely make his decision this week


Because Juicy has not yet made a decision, a date for the trial has not been scheduled to Mr. McCann's knowledge.


Oh and just in case you're bored and happen to be hanging around The Brownstone – guess what's happening?! "Who is going to the annual Posche Fashion Show tonight? It's always a great time, isn't it? Lol!," Jacqueline tweeted. Since Teresa is BFF with Kim D, I wonder if she'll be attending? Jacqueline tweeted that Teresa hangs out with her all the time. 

As for Teresa's comments on Wendy Williams yesterday that Jacqueline is still good friends with Kim D and talks to her daily, Jacqueline denies it, saying: "No, that was only the week when she was giving me the breakdown of the set up where she admitted to me "someone's" involvement." However she does admit they are still friends – sometimes.

Double standard or perfectly acceptable?

You can catch a video of Teresa's appearance on Wendy Williams below! 


In other Teresa news, she just revealed the title of her fourth cookbook on Twitter! Fabulicious Grilling is coming soon!

These girls know how to strike while the iron is hot. Have the most watched reunion in Bravo's history – release a new cookbook. Ka-ching! Gotta hand it to her, for someone too stupid to spell and define "napaqulms" Teresa really knows how to work her business! That must burn, right Team BLK?

Some preview photos from Teresa's newest cookbook are below!

[Main Photo Credit: Teresa Giudice’s Twitter]



Fabulicious Grilling Sneak Peak! [Credit: Twitter]

And apparently Juicy's wine is a thing that's like for-real happening. See the bottles next to the Fabellini ones! Should a person with multiple DUI's really be producing his own wine?

"Everybody works around here," Teresa tweeted. 

Teresa and fan friend, Priscilla!

"Really, really behind the scenes," Teresa tweeted.