MTV Announces Teen Mom 3 Cast


MTV has announced which moms from 16 and Pregnant have been cast for a new round of Teen MomTeen Mom 3 will feature Alexandria Sekella, 18, Mackenzie Douthit, 18, Briana DeJesus, 17, and Katie Yeager, 19. 

Alex Sekella lives in Pennsylvania and is the mama to a little girl named Arabella Elizabeth. You'll remember Alex's ex-fiance Matt McCann as being horribly addicted to drugs. Alex hopes her turn on Teen Mom 3 will show how she struggles to work two jobs to raise Arabella on her own. What about Matt? Alex tells In Touch, "I refuse to let him see her."

Mackenzie Douthit is from Oklahoma and has a son named Gannon. Mackenzie is engaged to rodeo addict Josh McKee. About Teen Mom 3, Mackenzie says, "You'll see our good times and our bad times."

“I was scared to do the show [initially],” Mackenzie shares.  “But I can’t look back and change the fact that I got pregnant so all I can do is look towards the future.”


Briana DeJesus lives in Florida. Briana and Devoin Austin broke up before the arrival of their baby, Nova Star. The part of Briana's story you're most likely to remember is that her sister Brittany got pregnant at the same time and decided to have an abortion. 

“My story lets you see, there are different choices,” Briana says. “With every choice you make, there’s hardships. No matter what, it’s still going to be difficult, but you still have a choice.”

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Katie Yeager is from Wyoming and has a daughter named Molli. Molli's daddy, Joey Maes, is still very much in the picture. On 16 and Pregnant, Katie had a hard time watching her friends go off to college in Denver. 

Now, Katie is pursuing a degree in social work (or "social working" if you're Catelynn and Tyler), and she hopes her story inspires others. "I want to help people," says Katie.

No word yet on when Teen Mom 3 will debut; however, Teen Mom 2 returns on Monday, November 12. 


Photo credit: MTV

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