RHOA’s Phaedra Parks Dishes On Inappropriate Behavior And Donkey Booty!


Oh Phaedra Parks, you always tell it like it is.  The lawyer/mortician hybrid from Real Housewives of Atlanta loves to enlighten us all with her Southern analogies and Donkey Booty.  While she can be sweet as sugar, I certainly wouldn't want to cross her.

This season we're seeing more of Phaedra (literally!  Was she serious with that thong bathing suit??), and we're also getting to see more of her spitfire personality.  In other words, we learn that Phaedra doesn't like to share…when it comes to her husband Apollo Nida.  Of course, who can blame her?


Phaedra recently spoke to the Examiner about the fifth season, its fan base, and Kim Zolciak's peace out from the show.  She also reveals who her closest friends are and why certain ladies need to back away from her husband.  Check it out below!

How does it feel to be back for the 5th season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta and for it to be one of the top rated shows on Bravo?

It’s always an honor to be involved with any successful business venture…Our show is the most successful in the franchise, which speaks volumes because people enjoy watching us and can relate to our lives. We can be proud of the things that have happened on the show, but even more proud that we have a stable viewership that stands by us, even with the least amount of advertising.

Why do you think so many viewers are drawn into the Housewives of Atlanta specifically?

I think a lot of people can relate to our personalities, there is at least one of us in every person in the world, and I think we have a variety and someone can at least identify with one of the cast members. We’re the only franchise that has a predominately African-American cast and I think that people are drawn into the African-American community, because it has a lot of diversity even within our own culture, and going deeper into the south, we have our own culture down here as well that many people are interested in things that are happening in the south, including some of the best productions. Economically it’s cheaper to shoot here, but on the plus there’s a charm that’s here in the south. I also think people are also interested in seeing how we do things and live in the south.

How would you say you’ve grown over the years and what have you learned about yourself?

To be honest, I was quite mature when I came on the show and I know who I am…It has taught me a lot about people in general, I’ve learn how gullible people can be, and how the media can be, but overall I’m comfortable with who I am.

What is the biggest misconception that people have of you from watching the show?

I’ve heard people say that I’m “boogie” but that would be the furthest thing from the truth, I’m probably the most approachable of all the ladies on the show. I think that when people are educated and polished, unfortunately some people think that “Oh they think they are better than others.” I think it’s a good thing to have standards and morals and I think that we are missing right now. Even in regards to the current Connecticut tragedy, I think people are missing those family values that used to keep children in line and made them more sensitive to others. I believe that children and young adults need to realize that respect and integrity needs to be at the forefront of everything and I don’t think that we are teaching that in the homes as we used to, because everyone is so rushed and working…doing everything besides teaching them life lessons, and leaving it up to television.

Three words to describe season 5?

Crazy…unpredictable…drama (laughs). I didn’t even see all of this coming!

What do you think will surprise viewers the most this season?

Obviously we’ve added new cast members, and some of them have personalities that we’ve never seen on the show. But I think the shocking and deceitful behavior of some will be very different from seasons in the past.

What were your thoughts on Kim’s departure from the show?

At the table with all the bickering, I realized that her priorities have changed and her main focus shifted to her family and there is nothing wrong with that. Whatever it is that you love, that’s what you should do. That’s why I asked her the question, “Do you have time for your girlfriends?” and when she answered, “no.” It was a clear indicator that she had grew to a point in her life that her number one priority was her family, and I can respect that. I think that more of us need to focus on our families…I like Kim and we speak occasionally and I will continue to speak to her and support her in any endeavors that she is involved in, if she doesn’t have time for the ladies I understand, sometimes I feel like I don’t have time…it’s all about what’s important to you, and her allegiance is with her husband and her children.

Over the years who would you say you formed a real relationship with when the cameras aren’t rolling?

Kandi [Burrus] and I are extremely close, we are “besties” when the cameras aren’t rolling…we travel together, double date together, we both adore each other’s family, so I would say Kandi first, and I would say Cynthia [Bailey] second, her daughter, Noelle babysits Ayden for us, so I spend time at their house often.

What can viewers expect to see with you and Apollo's Donkey Booty Workout video?

I’m so excited about it! It's $12.95 at www.phinebody.com or Amazon, cheaper than a steak dinner (laughs)! Fun and high energy and aerobics, I’m doing the dance portion of the workout first as well as toning and strengthen portion second and a cool down at the end. Its fun and exciting, but you won’t sweat yourself to death, and you will see results! It’s the workout that I used to get back in shape after I had my baby. It will make a great Christmas gift and or stocking stuffer!

How do you balance your time between the show, mortuary school, your law profession, & a mother & wife?

I’m enrolled full-time in mortuary school, and as we speak I’m looking at a skull in my anatomy class that I’m labeling…not an actual one (laughs). Sometimes I feel like an illegal immigrant in Arizona (laughs) “What am I doing?” I feel like I have to run back across the border and get a regular job. It’s very difficult, but I have a great support staff, great parents, great friends, great husband, and everyone pitches in. It’s a lot of prioritizing and we try to do everything in the best interest of our son and our family.

What were your thoughts as you watch Kenya this season and do you think she flirted with your husband?

This is the thing, Kenya [Moore] is very inappropriate and as she showed she flirts with everyone as she is quite the attention seeker, and she obviously likes to drink more than most, and I think when you add that combination, it makes for a very un-lady like woman. You hope that women over 40 are able to act their age and not their shoe size, but that’s not always the case. I didn’t like it, I thought it was very distasteful and very inappropriate, but that’s who she is. You can’t make a loose woman a lady.

Lastly, what can viewers expect from you as this season progresses?

You will get to see the development of the whole Donkey Booty video, the good, bad, and ugly (laughs). It turns out very well in the end! Just like seasons in the past you will see more wonderful events and of course the drama. I think it will be our best season ever. We are very thankful that our ratings have been great, and there are no stones unturned with our new cast mates.

Did you hear that, Santa?  Donkey Booty makes a great stocking stuffer!  I've been a good girl this year…


[Photo Credit: Twitter]