Bethenny Frankel & Jason Hoppy Kept Separation A Secret From Friends And Family; May Get Back Together!

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After longtime speculation that Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy wouldn't make it through the third year of marriage following a rocky and difficult second year featured on Bethenny Ever After, Bethenny finally announced the couple was separating. 

The shocking part of the announcement was the timing! Bethenny revealed the split two days before Christmas.

Bethenny has been coy about her relationship with Jason for months, even skirting the issue on a recent WWHL appearance. Multiple reports emerged that the couple broke up around Thanksgiving when they spent the holiday separately. Jason has been conspicuously absent from photos and Bethenny's twitter in recent months as well. 

Many wonder why Bethenny waited so long to reveal that her marriage was over – and just why she timed it so close to the holidays? While I suspected it was so the news would get less attention in the wake of holiday related events, according to RadarOnline Bethenny just couldn't keep their separation a secret from friends and family any longer! She really expects us to believe their friends and family weren't aware they haven't been together for over a month? Ok then… 

"Jason wanted to wait till after the holidays were over but Bethenny insisted that she could not carry on the charade of pretending to be a happy couple any longer, especially not in front of their closest friends and family," the source explains. "Basically, in the end Bethenny decided, no more secrets and lies – let's get it out in the open, for better or for worse."


"Bethenny and Jason have been over for some time now," a source reveals. "For all intents and purposes they have been living separate lives since before Thanksgiving."

"Neither one wanted to pull the trigger though as neither Bethenny nor Jason was willing to make it official," the source explains. "They both love their daughter so much, and despite their many, many problems they still do ultimately love each other."

"However, once Bethenny had made her mind up that they were going to officially split she felt she had to make the announcement immediately."


The source insists that despite the trial separation which was allegedly a suggested by Bethenny's therapist Dr. Amador, things are not over-over for the couple. And no matter what happens with their marriage they are deeply committed to Bryn and to co-parenting her peacefully. 

Bethenny was apparently "adamantly against" the separation initially. "It was her therapist that recommended the trial separation to give the couple some breathing room, and experience life without each other on a daily basis,” the source shares. “Bethenny and Jason have been having the same arguments for a very long time."

"The one thing they both agree on is that their 2-year-old daughter Bryn will not be adversely affected by this break. Bethenny and Bryn will remain in the apartment and Jason can spend as much time as he wants with her." 

And Bryn is likely not aware of what is going on. "Bethenny and Jason intend to spend Christmas together with Bryn," the source adds. "They want her to know they both love her with all their heart and that she is the most important thing in their lives."

"And, I truly don't think it is over yet between Bethenny and Jason. There is so much emotion and passion there still, I would not be surprised to see them get back together for another try in the new year once they've had some breathing space and the dust has settled."

Well, I have to admit I wasn't surprised when they announced their split, but I was disappointed. I always had hope for these two and thought Jason grounded Bethenny. Since Bethenny's spinoff I've grown disenfranchised with her, but I really wanted these two to make it work. 

I hope in the end Bethenny realizes another season of her marital issues have no place on reality TV and that she shields Bryn and herself from a season of 'Bethenny Getting Divorced.' And I hope with her new talk show among other successes she realizes that perhaps it's time to keep her private life a little more private. 

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