Teen Mom 2 Reunion Recap: Checkup With Chelsea Houska And Jenelle Evans

Chelsea Houska Dr. Drew Teen Mom 2 S5 Reunion

Last night was the second part of the Teen Mom 2 reunion and MTV obviously wanted to save the best – best drama, that is – for last! Chelsea Houska and Jenelle Evans were on the hotseat. While Chelsea was applauded for turning her life around and finally getting over Adam Lind (we hope!), Jenelle continued to try and make us believe she had changed too. Yeah, we don't believe you. Actions speak louder than words. And so do boyfriend choices. 

Dr. Drew tackles Chelsea first. Chelsea seems really uneasy and upset about something – probably being in close proximity with Adam. Or maybe her eyelashes were puncturing her brain they were so long and spiky. Isn't she a professional?

Dr. Drew talks about her current situation with Adam. Chelsea regrets that he is not the best dad he can be for Aubree. She has no relationship with Taylor because Adam was cheating on Taylor with Chelsea. And by cheating, she means booty calls! CHELSEA! ​Chelsea says it was "months" ago – but it was while Taylor was pregnant!


Chelsea is not dating because she's focusing on herself, "The last thing I want is a relationship." Hopefully that doesn't mean she's focusing on getting back together with Adam!

Adam's visitation with Aubree is going OK, but Chelsea believes Aubree is spending most of that time with her grandparents instead of Adam. That's a good thing Chelsea! 


Adam says he's no longer drinking and isn't allowed to because he's on probation after a 6 month jail stint (with work release!) and is committed to Aburee. Even though he changed his number so Chelsea can't contact him. Chelsea has to communicate with Adam through Facebook – or his parents. Adam tries to blame Chelsea but then reveals that every time he and Taylor fought he would go "f–k Chelsea" so he changed his number to avoid temptation! CHELSEA! 

"From me here today, to me two-three years ago – it's changed a lot," Adam insists. Dr. Drew asks Chelsea if she thinks Adam has a drinking problem. "I definitely think… he has a problem with driving," Chelsea says. Clearly. "I'm addicted to vehicles," Adam agrees. "I love my cars and trucks more than I love my children." Adam has a work permit licensce only. Was he coming to and from work when he crashed into an elderly couple. 

Chelsea seems like she just wants to crawl out of her skin and run off this stage. I don't blame her – Adam probably has fleas. 

Randy says Chelsea is no longer a "daddy's girl" and has gained independence. Meaning now that she has a job, she is independent from Randy's wallet! Randy believes Chelsea is no longer attracted to Adam, but now the stress is co-parenting. Particularly because Aubree is smart (did not get Adam's brain. Thank you Randalicious for your genetic contribution) and picks up on what's going on. Meaning Adam is a LOSER.


Randy worries about Adam's stability – like what if (Ummm… when) Adam and Taylor break up. Oh Randy, the inevitable will happen – Adam will lose interest in Aubree again. 

Adam gets riled up and accuses Chelsea and Randy of "bashing" him over things like "recedehawk". "You brought it upon yourself, because you were an asshole," Chelsea points out. And because Adam cannot (and is incapable of and should just hook up with Jenelle already) take accountability he claims he's been an a-hole this because 5 years ago Chelsea cheated on him with his best friend.

"Scarred me for life," Adam whined. I have to believe Adam was an a-hole long before Chelsea came into the picture, she was just the idiot who believed she could change him. "I'm all in favor of him being a good dad and turning his life around, but I'm skeptical," says Randy. Amen. Chelsea seems like she's rooting for Adam to be a good father too. 


And the trainwreck continues when Jenelle takes the stage. "Jenelle's turbulent season began with an abortion and ended with a pregnancy," Dr. Drew begins. Oh MTV, the shade, the totally warranted and appreciated shade! 

Dr. Drew asks about Nathan. ​"People think Nathan and I are like so perfect, like on twitter, and stuff," Jenelle says. Ummm.. no they don't. You're just delusional.

Jenelle and Nathan are both like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. When people are buying their ish and doing what they want, they put on this goody-goody act, but as soon as things don't go their way they turn and get mean and nasty. Case in point: Jenelle's entire relationship with Barbara

Jenelle insists she's taking this baby seriously as well, "This is the real deal," she explains. When Dr. Drew reminds her Jace was the real deal too, she's like, Ummm… Oh well, that doesn't count – I knew Barbara wanted another baby, but she was like old. But this time it will be different. Nathan and I are like better now. And he's hot. Or at least he was when I was on drugs.

Jenelle denies smoking and drug use during her pregnancy. Her domestic violence incident with Nathan has been dropped to a fine. "I should be a lawyer," Jenelle laughs and Dustin adds another grand to MTV's bill. Dr. Drew explains she's actually a criminal. "Not really," argues Jenelle. Oh these kids and their loose definitions of 'law abiding'.

"When you're young, you do young and stupid things."  Ok Jenelle (in my Barbara voice) what's your excuse now?! #ForeverStupid Jenelle blames not having custody of Jace for her drug use. Which is funny because isn't that why she gave up custody. Anyway… 

Apparently Nathan has brain injury from the military (and PTSD) which is why he doesn't have custody. What about driving drunk with his daughter in the car? Allegedly. Nathan insists he's trying to get custody and doesn't know why it's not working out. Hmmmm… perhaps it's all that time he's spending in jail. 

Dr. Drew calls Jenelle out on living in "Jenelle's reality". Oh is that what we're calling this now? I just call it complete delusion. 


Of course Nathan comes out. Dr. Drew blows smoke up Nathan's a$$, which is obnoxious, and Nathan is more than willing to play the knight in shining armor, good guy image. So – What about those DUIs?! And the jail stints?! Let's talk about that!

Nathan is excited for their new baby Paycheck. "I can't wait to hold those dollars him!" Apparently he and Jenelle are ready to be parents because they're not fighting so much. That was last week, but this week they're good, except for Jenelle finding out Nathan was talking to his ex-girlfriend. Which apparently happened while they were in town to film the reunion! So she locked him out of their hotel room. 

Despite all this, they are meant to be because on their first date there was a double rainbow. Right. And they're planning to get married. If MTV pays for the wedding. Spinoff! Holla!

Nathan and Barbara are also good. From his perspective. "She thinks I'm one of the better guys Jenelle has dated," Nathan brags. Talk about loooow standards, there! 

I love Barbara – and she looks great. Vindication agrees with her. Barbara comes out swinging; she is not happy about Jenelle getting pregnant and is concerned given Jenelle's past and that she hasn't gotten her life together yet. "I am proud of her for how far she's come in a year," Barbara consents. Furthermore, Nathan doesn't work and Barb thinks he's using Jenelle. DING, DING, DING!

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Nathan argues that as a "spouse" Jenelle is being supportive of him because they're a good team. I seriously don't know how Barbara can refrain from punching him in the face with that BS. 

And rounding out more of Jenelle and Nathan's lies, Barabara reveals that Jace told her they fight all the time and he doesn't like going there. Jenelle starts transforming into Ms Hyde, breathing down Barbara's neck and getting angry. Jenelle snarls that Jace says Barbara won't let him eat junk food. Oh the horror!

In order to give Jenelle some props other than 'hey,  you're not a heroin addict anymore!' – Barbara is glad Jace occasionally sees Jenelle. We're calling this progress. As for the new baby and the future of Jenelle and Nathan's relationship, Barbara remains skeptical that they'll ever get it together enough to have Jace more often. "I'm the only mother he really knows," Barbara explains. Even Nathan agrees that Jace is very attached to Barbara. Barbara is also not certain Jenelle is ready to be a mother again, which of course, sadly. 

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And that's that. All the kids come out and they are so adorable. It's amazing to see how they've grown up. I have to say, most of these girls are good mothers. MTV applauds all the moms for making a difference in dramatically lowering the teen pregnancy rates. "It worked!" Dr. Drew exclaims. Yeah – ain't nobody wanna be Jenelle

​[Photo Credits: MTV]


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