Did Lizzie Rovsek Really Forgive Tamra Judge For Her Bad Behavior This Season?

tamra vs. lizzie on rhoc

For those of you hoping for a resolution between Lizzie Rovsek and Tamra Judge, don’t hold your breath. Last night the ladies got together at Vicki Gunvalson’s home to relive their Bali trip with their husbands. I only watched the Bali trip, weren’t they there? Why would they want to relive that? Do they not remember all the yelling?

Whatever the reason, when the ladies got together on the season finale of the Real Housewives of Orange County, it was not just Terry Dubrow and David Beador who had words. Surprise of all surprises, Tamra and Lizzie went back and forth for the umpteenth time about the stupid “Marry Shag Kill” game. 


Seriously!! We are still going over the he said/she said about “Marry Shag Kill”!?!?!? Yep! But now Tamra is not the only one that Lizzie thinks is lying about what happened during the game. Terry and Heather Dubrow are lying too. She says that they are just trying to stick up for their friend. Weren’t cameras there? Can we not get confirmation about what really happened?

Let’s start off with what Lizzie says was said. “There is nothing else to say, but “I’m sorry” for whatever she thinks I said or didn’t say. It’s a crazy he said/she said and no one can possibly win — and who wants to? The fact that NOW, she brings up another thing about the game, is like, what? And of course, she repeats this wrong too. I chose to “marry” Eddie (not shag) in the game so we could have Mexican/Italian babies. Christian and I talk about having another baby all the time so my brain is on that track. It wasn’t meant to be anything but playful. We all gave reasons. Tamra chose to marry Dr. Dubrow because he was “loaded” (rich), shag Christian because he’s hot and because she likes his messy hair, and to kill Brooks (who wasn’t even there) because she dislikes him so much.”

Now, can I point out the obvious?? Everyone played this game. Everyone had to, at one point, pick someone’s mate to “Shag”. So why is Tamra the only person making a ginormous deal out of this? Lizzie isn’t mad that Tamra said she wanted to shag her husband, Christian. And, let me just get this out there, I too would marry Dr. Dubrow. Have you seen his house?? Bring it Heather!

Now, back to Lizzie. She continues that it was never her intention to hurt Tamra or bring up her and Eddie’s lack of plans for more children. (Side Note — Did anyone really believe that Tamra and Eddie were serious about having another kid?? I didn’t. Wasn’t even a good storyline.)

“I would have never thought that I was trying to hurt Tamra and her situation. I look at Tamra and see someone with a cup half full. She has four kids and now having grandkids. I see her in a different stage in her life. Looking on the bright side here, maybe everyone will know I like Mexicans! I think they are beautiful.”

“I am sorry for what Tamra is going through in her life; I just don’t think it’s a good excuse to hurt other people. We all go through hard times. I am a very forgiving person. I forgive two or three or more times than necessary. However there comes a time when you damage a relationship beyond repair and the things that have happened in the past few weeks are reprehensible. Will I forgive Tamra? Yes and I have. However, I don’t foresee a friendship with her.”

No shock there — and apparently things get heated between the two during the Real Housewives of Orange County reunion. Can’t wait!!


[photo courtesy: Rudy Martinez/Bravo]

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