Atlanta Exes Season Finale Recap: All’s Well That Ends Sort Of Well


Overview: The first season of Atlanta Exes is brought to an end as each women makes strides in moving forward with their lives.

We start off this episode with Sheree Buchanan and Torrei Hart at The Roc, a gym. They are still talking about Tameka Raymond. Sheree is upset over the argument that happened at Tameka’s house. Torrei doesn’t want to talk it out with Tameka, but Sheree feels like she should talk it out with Tameka. Torrei feels as if Tameka is not trying to grow and is still dealing with all of her issues. This may be very true.

Sheree meets with Tameka. Tameka ‘worries’ about her safety due to Sheree’s outburst at her house.  Sheree tells Tameka that she is upset that Tameka thinks that she is better than the other women, and that Tameka is condescending towards the other women. Tameka feels that Sheree is making a mountain out of a molehill. Sheree tells Tameka that she was hurt by Tameka’s actions, and she wants her to apologize. Tameka says that she is not ‘a huge apologizer.’ Then she offers this, “If I made you feel like you were inferior in anyway, and I am superior, I apologize sincerely. I am not like that. That is not me.” Sheree feels like it was a ‘half-ass apology,’ but she also apologizes for being disrespectful in Tameka’s home.


Tameka visits the court for the final day in the trial of the man who hit her son with the jet-ski. He was convicted of “multiple charges including homicide by vessel.” Tameka talks with the media after the trial. She says that no one really wins. The perpetrator should have apologized to her as the mother, but only made references to the dad. She feels that justice was served, and hopes that water safety will become more of a priority. She says of Kile, “Kile was an amazing child and my soul mate.” She says that she is waiting on God to give her closure, so that she can understand the message, and what she is supposed to get from this [her son’s death].

Torrei talks with her daughter via video chat. She is glad that she came to Atlanta for her career, but she misses her children. She talks to Heaven about her dance that is coming up and looks at heaven’s dress via video chat. She gives Kendrick a kiss. The children are staying with Kevin while she pursues her career in comedy. Torrei feels that she is making strides in the Atlanta comedienne community.


Monyetta Shaw is taking down pictures of her and Ne-Yo as a couple, and replacing them with pictures of her and the children. Christina Johnson is there to ‘help’ her with this transition, the big moment as Monyetta calls it. Really? Darling, it is really just taking down old pictures and putting up new ones. The children should have been put up on the wall anyway.  She says that it will be interesting to walk down the hall and see love instead of what could have been [between her and Ne-Yo]. What about the pictures in the bedroom that everyone was talking about? According to Monyetta, It is new beginnings but you are still living in his house. Okay.

Tameka is having her 5K for Kile’s World. The day of the race would have been his 13th birthday. All of the women come to the event, except Sheree. Torrei brings up the argument at Tameka’s housewarming, but says that she is at the 5K because it is a good cause. Why do you always bring the drama to these events then? The women decide that they should call Sheree. Sheree is at her daughter’s cheerleading competition, and doesn’t want to see Tameka. All of the women ‘run’ the 5k, and the event is very successful. Tameka said that she felt like Kile was running right beside her.

Sheree and Destinee, her daughter, meet to plan their joint birthday party. Their birthdays are just one day apart. Sheree talks to her daughter about Tameka. Why is Sheree’s life revolving around Tameka? She is worried that Tameka will come and throw jabs. Sheree is glad that she has already gotten all of the things off of her chest with Tameka, but she doesn’t know what the dynamics will be because Tameka doesn’t like Sheree and Destinee hanging out. And you care because of what Sheree?  

Christina is doing new photos for her business as an interior designer. She wants to do a headshot. She can’t remember the last photo-shoot that she did with just her. The photo-shoot, while beautiful, does not look like it is for professional pics. Christina says that she is happy to be following her own dreams. I am a little confused because while she says that she has been an interior designer for some time, she acts as if she is just starting. Either way, I wish her the best. Torrei came to support her during her photo-shoot because she says that Christina supports everyone else. Christina says that for the first time she feels like she is really moving forward after her marriage.

All of the women show up for Sheree and Destinee’s rooftop birthday party. Tameka makes a late appearance. Sheree is upset because Tameka doesn’t speak and airs out her frustration about Tameka not speaking with Monica. Monica and Torrei ‘play fight’ not really over who is Sheree’s best friend. Torrei is ready to be guard dog for Sheree again. She seems to always come to Sheree’s defense even when Sheree doesn’t say anything. Torrei says that she needs to have a talk with Monica about loyalty and friendship. I do think that a talk needs to be had, but it should be between Sheree and Monica. Monica and Torrei argue over Monica’s loyalty to Sheree. Monica doesn’t want to argue at the party. Sheree seems to agree. Torrei, however, thinks that to act like everything is okay is fake. Monica expects Sheree to come to her defense, but Sheree says, “I am not listening to y’alls conversation.” So what then is the point of the whole conversation? I am sure that Torrei will look back on this season and realize how she should not have been involved in these arguments that have little to do with her. Torrei keeps repeating to Monica that Sheree called her crying. Sheree feels that Torrei is being aggressive, and Monica is being dramatic. It’s her party so she wants to be happy, which is expressed by her wanting to get all of the attention as she starts drama about the fact that 20 minutes ago Tameka walked into her party and didn’t speak. Tameka, realizing that the crazy is about to come her way, decides to leave the party.   Monica is ‘crying,’ and Tameka is leaving. Sheree is upset that Tameka is leaving the party so she and Destinee decide to follow her out of the party for ‘some answers.’ This argument is really silly. Sheree feels like Tameka is deflecting. Tameka doesn’t know what she is deflecting. I have to agree. Sheree says that Tameka is a fake friend and good riddance. I think this could have been established several episodes ago. Sheree goes back to the girls to cry about how Tameka left the party. Sheree says that she doesn’t want to be in Tameka’s presence because it’s evil. She cries it out.

After Sheree’s cry, the ladies decide that it’s time to party. Willie shows up to hang out with Christina. Christina is happy to have moved on from CeeLo, and she thanks Sheree for the ‘home girl hook-up.’ Sheree gives a speech about how all the people that are there are important people in her life and the one’s that weren’t important are gone. She thanks everyone for being there. Sheree is happy to know who her true friends are. She thanks all of the women for coming to the party. Torrei is happy to have gotten to know the women. We are treated to a montage of the season of the women overcoming their obstacles. The episode ends with Sheree calling the women her ‘ride or die bitc***’.



Recap Author: Tiffany L.

Photo Credit: VH1