Dina Manzo Calls Bobby Ciasulli Bizarre, Explains Why She Got So Emotional On Real Housewives Of New Jersey

Dina Manzo on Florida

When the last episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey came to an end, all I could think was, why is Dina Manzo crying so much?!?

I understand why the others were emotional. Nicole Napolitano… her boyfriend Bobby Ciasulli is embarrassing. Teresa Aprea knows what is about to happen. Amber Marchese… I too would cry if I were married to Jim Marchese. Dina… 

“Have you ever heard of an empath? Well I am one of the many roaming the earth; I absorb feelings and emotions around me, and let me tell you, the range of emotions in this Boca house was off the charts,” explains Dina.


Dina calls Bobby‘s antics in the bathroom bizarre and admits alcohol may have played a part in the night’s events. Um, yeah. I think that was obvious when Jim fell over an end table.

“I think I was mostly taking on Nicole‘s feelings, maybe because I have gone through a lot in my own relationships and I connected with the feeling of being disappointed in someone you thought would always have your back. Bobby had no idea what he was contributing to by not coming out of the bathroom,” says Dina. “Well no, I take that back, ALL of us including myself tried to get him out of there and let him know what was happening downstairs. It was bizarre to say the least, but I will say we were all drinking too much that night. We had a very light dinner before this all went down, but the tequila and Belvedere were flowing.”

Once again, Dina mentions that she felt stuck in a lose-lose situation, knowing what Amber knew about Teresa. She tried to prepare Teresa, but Teresa didn’t want to hear it. I think Teresa knew exactly which rumor Dina had heard – and she shut down the conversation to keep it from being repeated on camera. Too bad Jim happened.

“I knew something like this would happen, and that was my urgency in telling TerEsa what was swirling behind her back,” insists Dina. “If this all went down and she found out I knew and didn’t say anything, I would feel horrible. I stand by what I did and don’t look at it as sh– stirring or gossiping at all. Giving a friend a heads up in my opinion is the right thing to do, and I would do it again… maybe just a little differently next time. I was in a lose-lose position, and in my book TerEsa gets a pass for whatever reaction she has. If someone was saying such horrific things about my mother, I don’t know what I would do.”

Dina reiterates that her intentions were sincere and says she wishes viewers could have seen more of the fun moments that happened in Florida. HAHAHA – Dina’s met Bravo, right?

“So bummed you couldn’t see the rest of our Everglades trip. It was SOOO much fun to explore the swamp and what lives in it. I’m not just talking about gators! Hopefully it will make the lost footage,” says Dina. “I wish the show could be about all the fun times we had, the bonding that I’m not sure now was as genuine as I thought it was. I won’t let that change me, I choose to see the good in people and I know my side of the street is authentic and sincere.”


Photo Credit: Bravo