Tamra Judge has been battling her ex-husband Simon Barney in court over custody of their three minor children Sydney, Spencer, and Sophia. Simon has accused Tamra of neglect and of putting her Real Housewives Of Orange County career before the well-being of her children, but yesterday Tamra won a court victory against him!
Simon has been called out by court psychologists for some of his statements. And he alleges that their eldest daughter does not want a relationship with Tamra. There has been drama in and out of the courtroom between the bitter exes. Simon was seeking sole physical custody, allowing for visitation with Tamra, and for Tamra to pay his attorney fees in the case. Yesterday they met back in court where it was good news for Tamra and their children.
The presiding judge dismissed Simon’s case against Tamra for custody of their two younger children, Spencer and Sophia, citing a lack of evidence to substantiate his claims!
“I won!!!!!!” a jubilant Tamra announced on twitter. “He lost due to No evidence. #liarpants” Tamra continued, “It’s a joke.” Simon is “just lying to see what sticks on the wall.”
“The judge ruled in my favor. Custody will remain at 50/50 for Spencer and Sophia,” Tamra explained to Mr. Housewife. “I am very excited that it is over for my kids sake. I’m looking forward to repairing my relationship with my daughter that Simon ruined.”
One thing that has not been resolved is custody surrounding Tamra’s eldest daughter Sydney, 15. Simon alleges that Tamra’s behavior on RHOC causes Sydney anxiety and embarrassment and she has only seen her mother 4 times since last year (October 2013)! “He’s asked the courts to allow Sidney to see her at her own ‘discretion,’ making “the choice to see [Tamra],” reports Radar Online.
“We will go back to court in December for my older daughter, Sidney, after she starts court ordered therapy,” Tamra confirms. Congratulations Tamra!
[Photo Credit: Instagram]