Kenya Moore uses her Bravo blog this week to talk about forgiveness and her role models in life. The Real Housewives of Atlanta star also shares that she’s not shocked over Porsha Williams’ refusal to apologize for her violent behavior at the last reunion.
Kenya chooses to not use Porsha’s name in her blog this week, referring to her as NeNe’s new BFF instead. “Although NeNe has barely spoken to me this season, I wasn’t surprised to learn that she invited her new BFF to drinks. I also wasn’t shocked to see that despite it all, she still refuses to apologize for her violent actions. This is after NeNe, Phaedra, and Andy (to name a few) have all suggested she do so.”
On forgiveness, Kenya explains, “When you forgive someone it isn’t for the other person, it’s for YOU. The dichotomy of forgiveness doesn’t excuse their behavior. Forgiveness prevents their behavior from destroying your heart. Although an acknowledgement is not an apology, you can’t shame someone into remorse, contrition, or penitence. Some people like to stay stuck in hatred and only feed off negativity in order to continue to promote abhorrence for me. With that being said, I take full responsibility for my actions but do not require an apology in order to move on from this cycle of hate.”
Kenya then shares that she looks to role models like her aunt and the late Maya Angelou for advice. “I look to my role models for advice. Some I know like my Aunt Lori, dearest friends, and family. My role models are not my “yes men.” They tell me when I’m wrong and advise me on how to be a bigger person in order to grow. From them, I’ve learned that when you stumble in life it’s always a teachable moment. It’s not how you fall but it’s how you get up. And I look to the role models I don’t know, like my favorite poet the late Dr. Maya Angelou, that I often read at my lowest points. I can count on her to uplift me and validate my existence with her prose and wisdom. May they inspire you as well.”
Kenya added: “You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise. “ -Maya Angelou
She ends her blog with, “May you all rise above the hate in 2015! It’s a new year with new beginnings. May you all continue to grow with me and love to love with no limits — even your haters. Happy New Year Team Twirl and my RHOA family! Love you all!”
Photo Credit: Instagram