Erin Foster, Sara Foster speak out about Yolanda Hadid

Erin and Sara Foster Defend Dad David Foster, Slam Yolanda Hadid’s Attention Seeking And Sudden Recovery

Sara Erin Foster

David Foster’s daughters, Sara and Erin Foster, are out promoting season 2 of their hilarious show Barely Famous and stopped by to chat with Jenny McCarthy.  The girls had a LOT to say about David and Yolanda’s divorce, Yolanda’s health and more – and even when they weren’t saying anything, they were saying EVERYTHING.

The girls start off explaining a bit about their show – which is a scripted comedy that pokes fun at reality shows, life in Los Angeles and people’s obsession with fame. So naturally they get to talking about their dad’s ex, Yolanda Hadid and her desire to be on reality TV.

They told Jenny that David wasn’t as “big” of a deal when they were in school because they were attending private schools with Mel Gibson’s kids and much, much more famous offspring. Jenny says, “so now your dad is a reality star!” They say that they have no part of that and want no part of that and love their dad and have a great relationship with him.  They then defend David, “he’s not currently on any reality TV and that was NOT him seeking out anything, that was him being married to someone who was seeking out..” 


Jenny is clearly not a fan of Yolanda and says how angry she was over the whole thing – Yolanda claiming just a year after marrying him that she’s sick and wants alimony after signing a prenup. “And now all of the sudden she’s healthy again!”

One of the girls (I seriously can’t tell them apart they sound so similar!) says “It’s weird how quickly you can get healthy when it’s convenient.”

When asked if they got along with Yolanda, they both say “ahhhh…” They both agree that they got really great step-siblings out of that marriage. “We love the kids.”  They add, “the marriage is no longer. When it was good, it was good. To be honest, our loyalty is to our dad. Our dad is a really good guy. Let me tell you something, that guy will give you the shirt off his back.” They explain that David would help anybody, anytime. “That’s just who he is and he doesn’t want credit for it. So to watch him get dragged into some bullshit disgusting Daily Mail social media scandal – all lies – and for no one to come to his defense. That was unfortunate.”

Sara and Erin were very upset by the nasty comments people left on David’s Instagram – telling him to go kill himself for leaving someone so ill. “Let me just be clear to everyone: you have no idea what you are talking about and you are so off the mark on how things went down! It was a really big wake up call.” They say that they now see the flip side of a breakup when things put out there are just completely wrong. “It got very dark. And we got into trouble for responding to people on Instagram.” David told them to stop embarrassing themselves. haha

They say, “We don’t comment to our friends on Yolanda’s health. That’s not for us to comment on. Only she knows her journey but what I will say is: if you are capable to continue being on a reality show, you are not dying. Let’s be honest. I know sick people. I’ve been to children’s hospitals. I’ve seen children who are fu**ing dying. So, it’s not easy for me.” 

She adds, “Again, we are not doctors. We don’t wish anyone ill will. However, I think from everyone’s experience, if you’ve known someone who is sick, who has cancer, who is dying or in the last year of their life, the only thing that person gives a shit about is getting through the day and being treated normally. No one wants everyone to see how sick they are and to see how much they are struggling. And when that seems to be the focus of making everyone see how sick you are, that just makes it confusing to someone who is trying to be supportive.”

Jenny says, “that’s why I was so glad that it was actually captured on a reality show so people got to see. Honestly, I think you’d be surprised that a majority of people were on your dad’s side.”

The girls added, “Our dad got a bad bad bad rap and we felt really bad for our dad.”

On Gigi they say, “Gigi is a good girl. It’d be really easy not to like someone that beautiful and that cool. It would be really easy, but they’re nice girls.” They gush about how much they love Yolanda’s kids. They’ve lost touch with them now because of the divorce and the fact that Sara and Erin are 10 years older. They admit that they’re sad the marriage dissolve because there was a time when they were all a tight family for a bit. They say again that Gigi and Bella are really grounded, especially given what they look and what their life is like. Sara and Erin are close with Mohamed and Shiva, calling them “amazing.” 

Sara and Erin say that Munchausen will not be any part of their upcoming season scripts. 😉  Their show premiered on VH1 tonight – set your DVR’s.  And if you have SiriusXM, listen to the full interview on Dirty, Sexy, Funny!


Photo Credit: Twitter

For the record, Yolanda is back from Tahiti and getting more treatments, continuing her journey.












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