
Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club Cancelled; Her Mykonos Nightclub Closes

When the news came out last year that Lindsay Lohan was starring in a new reality show, it appeared that the series might be the road to her comeback. Lindsay, who was arguably the most famous child star of her time, has had a checkered history of arrests, rehabs, family drama and all-around bad behavior.

Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club, which premiered in January, seemed like a golden opportunity for Lindsay to rebuild her career. The show, set in beautiful Mykonos, Greece, centered around Lindsay’s management of her beach club and staff who were called ambassadors. The series was heavily publicized and things were looking up for Lindsay. Now, news has come out that the show–and Lindsay’s Mykonos club–are both history.

Lindsay’s show will not be back for a second season, as reported by Page Six. Ratings for the show started out strong, but dropped over time. A source close to the production said, “There was a renewal idea that producers hoped would perk it up for a second season. It would be turned into a show about Lindsay and her [her mother] Dina [Lohan] and sister Ali [Lohan], [but] that wasn’t going to happen.”

OK–it is easy to see why that new concept didn’t fly. If a show about a group of young people working for a celebrity in stunning Greece didn’t take flight, it is understandable that MTV didn’t bite on a show about Lindsay’s family. Who, let’s face it, are really not all that interesting.

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The show actually had some promise–snippy boss Panos Spentzos was fun to watch. The Lohan “brand” ambassadors did their best to be aspiring Vanderpump Rules-like fame wh*res. And a few of them, like Sarah Tariq and Kailah Casillas even slammed Lindsay in the press to create a bit of extra drama. But Lindsay never really seemed believable as a boss–and the show was unable to find its footing and distinguish itself from the reality pack.

The Page Six source also revealed that the show didn’t have “enough drama.” And further dished, “They wanted ‘breakdowns.’ That’s not where [Lohan] is at with her life anymore. Their personal business doesn’t need to be aired on television; it’s already in the papers anyway.”

As it is not 2008, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of Lohan drama in the press these days. And the drama that Lindsay did bring to the show just wasn’t that interesting. As we know, in the reality world, boring is the kiss of death.

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And what about Lindsay’s nightclub? According to Page Six, the business appears to be shut down. When they attempted to call the number listed on the club’s website, the call went to the Lohan Nightclub in Athens. And another source told Page Six, “A friend had reservations this week, and the club just called and said they will not be opening this season.”

What does Lindsay have to say about all this? A Lohan representative confirmed that “she is not doing another season” of the show. So, unfortunately, her venture into the world of reality television didn’t work out. Here’s hoping that Lindsay finds success in the future. I am still waiting for that actress who was so amazing in The Parent Trap and Mean Girls to reappear.


[Photo Credit: MTV]