Bethenny Frankel
(Photo by Raymond Hall/GC Images)

Bethenny Frankel Forced to Pick Up Opened Makeup Gifts From TJ Maxx

Oh my goodness Real Housewives of New York alum Bethenny Frankel can’t seem to stay out of the news or off people’s nerves. So far this year Bethenny has taken it upon herself to end reality television as we know it. Then she went about “breaking the internet” (she didn’t) interviewing Rachel Leviss after Scandoval.

Now we have … the TJ Maxx incident. If you didn’t know, Beth is all about the high/low of it all. She’ll drop $40k at Hermès and then wax poetic about The Dollar Store. Bethenny is also a big fan of TJ Maxx, or she was until her good deed became bad publicity. Radar has the scoop.

This is what happens when you’re on social media too much

So basically no one would know about this snafu if Bethenny weren’t so hellbent on recording every move she makes. After declaring herself a regular customer of TJ Maxx (because she’s oNe Of Us) Beth proceeded to gather up some old makeup and drop it off to Consuela, her favorite TJ Maxx employee. For context, LoveAndyC shared Beth’s TikTok video on Twitter (yes, I know it’s X but I’m saying Twitter).

Courtesy @LoveAndyC Twitter

Now I don’t know about you or Consuela, but I’m not trying to use anyone else’s face stuff during these trying times, especially if it has been used. But Beth was doing her Captain Save a Poor Person and figured she was doing a good deed in donating the items she didn’t want to someone she didn’t know. I mean yeah, it could have gone to a women’s shelter, but Beth thought Consuela needed it more.

Anyway, TJ Maxx made Bethenny return to the store and pick up her Ziplocked goodies. And wouldn’t you know, Consuela’s loss is Restoration Hardware’s gain. Beth promptly understood the assignment after being told by TJ Maxx corporate offices that employees cannot receive gifts.

She then hightailed it to Riverhead, NY, and dropped the baggies off at Restoration Hardware. I’m sorry, I can’t be the only one who thinks this is a bit weird.

At this time, Restoration Hardware corporate offices have not told their employees that Bethenny’s used makeup is off-limits, but they probably don’t want any of Beth’s smoke.


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