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What Was in Monica Garcia’s Burn Book at the RHOSLC Season 4 Reunion?

The Real Housewives Salt Lake City Season 4 reunion was basically all about Monica, Monica, Monica. The former star of RHOSLC is on an official pause from the show after the cast decided to get a moral compass.

You can lie on Real Housewives, but it all depends on who you lie to. Some people lie for others and then dare to clock someone else for untruths. During the final part of the reunion, Monica brought out her Burn Book. It was a Mean Girls moment but the question is, which girls were being the meanest?

Burn baby, burn

Heather Gay and her seemingly smug attitude towards friendship are a real hoot. But I guess we all choose different paths and recently Heather’s has been covering for someone in jail who previously fat-shamed her. She had no problem exposing Reality Von Tease, but went full stage-5 clinger for Jen Shah.

While Andy Cohen made heroic attempts to be heard over multiple voices at once, Mon attempted to explain the social media account was meant to focus on Jen and how “abusive” she was. Case in point, calling Heather “Shrek.” Heather said, “You are not a hero, Monica. Bullies don’t deserve a platform. This is a bully and a troll.”

The former Mormon might want to check herself on that soap box, because she’s entering into hypocrite territory. She certainly jumped through hoops to make sure Jen had a platform, a friendship, and a damn alibi.

So Mon pulled out the Burn Book and everyone squared up.

“I am sorry that it ended up hurting you” – Monica

Page 1 touched on Andy’s preferance for certain Real Housewives and said he “F–ked the other half of New York.” He didn’t seem too bothered by it but the other ladies tested the limits of their Botox. Which is rich seeing as Lisa Barlow eviscerated Meredith Marks on a hot mic when she didn’t have the courage to do it to her face.

Other pages were printouts of posts from Reality Von Tease. Andy said, “It sounds like in trying to expose Jen, what you did was hurt all of them. If Jen called her that and you guys posted it, what you’re doing is perpetuating something mean about her. Tell me how it’s helpful blasting out in the world things about them that is horrible?”

While Monica apologized and said it wasn’t her intent to attack anyone but Jen, she did admit to wanting to be friends AND wanting to get on the show. Let’s remember to keep the same energy for Jackie Goldschneider if we’re going to bash fans for getting a shot.

So Monica is gone – congrats to the cast on an epic Season 5 ahead! Jen has yet to respond to Heather officially blaming her for the black eye, which I guess is alleged assault at this point. But you know, she hates liars – sometimes.

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City will resume filming for the new season next month – allegedly.