Bachelor in Paradise has always been a huge hit with Bachelor Nation fans. The spin-off features cast from The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, who failed to find love the first time around. Some viewers find BIP to be better than the original Bachelor shows, it’s interesting to watch the cast from different seasons mingle.
Despite being extremely popular for years, BIP has gone downhill recently. Season 9 was a particular low for the spin-off. It even left some viewers questioning if there would be a tenth season. While this is still unclear since nothing has been confirmed, it seems that this speculation may unfortunately become a reality.
Chris Harrison claimed BIP had been “postponed”
A clue that pointed toward a possible cancellation of BIP was a claim from former Bachelor host Chris Harrison. Of course, it’s been a hot minute since Chris was involved with the franchise after he stepped down in 2021. Despite having moved on from his Bachelor gig, Chris still knows the franchise inside and out.
In February, Chris claimed that he heard BIP had been postponed, and hinted that it may have even been canceled. While these theories were shot down, there had to be a reason why Chris suggested them in the first place. Chris hosted multiple seasons of BIP, and can surely see that it isn’t the same as it used to be. There’s no good reason for Chris to stir the pot with Bachelor Nation fans. This idea must’ve come from somewhere.
Since Chris hasn’t been involved with the Bachelor franchise for a few years, take his words with a grain of salt. Nonetheless, there could be some substance to Chris’ claims, which didn’t seem to come out of thin air.
BIP Season 9 had a 0% success rate

Another factor that could prevent BIP Season 10 is the low success rate of Season 9.
While three couples decided to leave the season together, none of them lasted very long after. Kylee Russell and Aven Jones left as a couple after Aven expressed that he wasn’t ready to get engaged. After hard launching their relationship following the airing of the finale, Kylee received multiple messages alerting her of Aven’s infidelity. The former couple ended their relationship immediately, which was a disappointment to many viewers.
Aaron Bryant and Eliza Isichei got engaged during the Season 9 finale, along with Kat Izzo and John Henry Spurlock. Shortly after the finale aired, both of these former couples also revealed that they had broken up. As a result, no successful couples came from Season 9, which was pretty sad to see.
The failed relationships of Season 9 looked pretty bad for the Bachelor franchise, which puts the future of the spin-off into question. While another season could potentially redeem BIP, Season 9 left a bad taste in viewers’ mouths that may be hard to get rid of.
The Golden Bachelor & Bachelorette could overshadow BIP

Finally, it is a possibility that The Golden Bachelor, as well as The Golden Bachelorette, could eventually replace BIP. The Golden Bachelor aired alongside BIP Season 9 in the fall and was much better received by viewers as opposed to the latter. Furthermore, The Golden Bachelorette was recently confirmed to be in production as well, making it the fifth current Bachelor Nation show.
The Golden Bachelor shows may eventually kick BIP off the schedule entirely, as it would be hard to make room for. It was hard to keep up with The Golden Bachelor and BIP at the same time, so it is unlikely that more than one show will air at a time going forward. Since each Bachelor show typically lasts two to three months, it would be hard to fit five full seasons into each year.
While this is of course all just speculation, there is a real possibility that BIP could be coming to the end of its days. If BIP were to receive a tenth season, it would need to be miles above Season 9 to save the spin-off. This would be hard to do, as it has not produced many successful couples as of late. When it comes to The Bachelor franchise, however, anything is possible. We hope that BIP is far from over, but we aren’t confident that it is at the moment.