The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: She Said, She Said

Just like that, we are now into the 5th episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and I must say, I will be sharing a rather unpopular opinion in this recap.

With that said, let’s get right to it! The episode starts out with Lisa Vanderpump and her pet Cedric. Lisa shares that just like her dog Giggy, she also considers Cedric a part of the family. We also discover that Cedric has big dreams of someday becoming a housewife.

Next up, it’s Camille Grammer and her lover-boytoy “good friend” Nick. For a minute here, I was wondering if this was the same Nick from the Vegas episode, but that was all put to rest the minute I saw the two making googly eyes at each other once again. Nick brings up Vegas and Camille recites the story of the rude comments Kyle allegedly made to her. Camille shares that the two have yet to talk things out.


Kyle pays Taylor a visit and Taylor shares she is now having to take care of the dog her douche husband Russell bought for their daughter. “Everything I do revolves around this dog,” gripes Taylor in her interview. The two head out to go shopping and I find myself trying to figure out what type of car Kyle is driving but can’t since I know nothing about cars. If anyone knows what model Kyle’s car is, feel free to share. The two arrive at the clothing store and are greeted by a pink hair lady. Sighs, the things people do in an attempt to be different and edgy…

On a different side of town, we see Adrienne and Kim doing some retail therapy of their own. As the two shop, Adrienne receives a mysterious phone call requiring her to get home asap. And I’m not going to lie, for a minute there I thought the phone call was a fake to get away from the loony Kim, you know, similar to the fake phone call you receive from your girlfriend when you’re on a disastrous blind date. But unfortunately, this call is legit and Adrienne shares her mom’s brother has passed away.

We see Camille having an outdoors dinner with her friends, and by friends, I mean people who would stop returning her phone calls if she were to file bankruptcy tomorrow. I just truly despise this woman. Yes, I know that’s random but I do. She simply has no winning qualities and is she on something? You know, uppers/downers? Surely, something has to be responsible for her depleted brain cells and always mellow mood.

During dinner, Adrienne gives Camille a call to let her know she will not be able to make the NYC trip due to the death in her family. “When Adrienne gave me the news about her uncle, I just felt so bad for her… but then I also thought to myself, Oh I just hope nothing else goes wrong,” said the despicable bimbo in her interview. But this didn’t come until after Camille flirted with Nick in the presence of his wife. “We have an understanding. That’s how we roll. If they only knew,” joked Camille about her special friendship with Nick. And you know that saying – ‘Behind every joke, is some truth.’

Camille arrives to NYC with her adorable kids and a handful of nannies & house managers I’m sure, as she explains she is seeing her fully furnished NYC apartment for the first time. Must be nice. Camille immediately starts complaining about the size of the apartment. “It’s about 3500 sq feet. I mean that sounds pretty obnoxious but for us it’s small.” Yes Camille, it sounds insanely obnoxious. Kelsey finally arrives home and perhaps it’s just me, but he didn’t seem too excited to see his wife, not that I can blame him or anything. In his interview, Kelsey makes mention that 13 years of marriage is not easy especially when it’s with Camille, okay, I might have added that last part in, but we all know he was thinking it. Gotta love the foreshadowing.

The ladies head for NYC and once again, they board a private plane. Do these ladies ever fly commercial? As the ladies wait at the airport, the topic of the she said, she said drama between Camille and Kyle is once again brought up and Kyle denies ever saying the things Camille is accusing her of saying (“Why would anybody be interested in you without Kelsey”). So this is the part where my unpopular opinion comes in. Yes I know she’s delusional, ridonkulous and an all around moron, but I believe Camille’s side of the story. I know, I know, but I just do. I don’t think she made up those comments and for some reason, I can see Kyle saying that to her. I’ve noticed Kyle likes to take little digs at others. Keep reading as I will share more reason why I’m leaning towards believing Camille on this issue.

Kyle also reveals she wants to make up with Camille as her husband does business with the Grammers and she is not trying to lose that paycheck for her hubby. Mauricio is in real estate by the way. The best part of this scene was probably Kim’s interview during which she once again referenced being a child actor and a friend telling her how tough it is being friends with her and having to always step aside when they’re out in public. The lols write themselves. The ladies decide Camille is probably insecure about being Kelsey’s wife and I think they have a point.

We see the men having dinner together in a cute but random scene and Lisa’s husband Ken shares that he is already missing his wife, as the other guys tease him about it because she’s only been gone a few hours. And to all the women everywhere, this is a perfect example of why you need more than just your looks to keep a man’s attention.

Exhibit A – After 28 years of marriage, Ken still appears to be very much in love with his wife and still wanting to be around her often. I’m guessing her personality, smarts and awesome sense of humor play a big role in that. Exhibit B – After 13 years of marriage, Kelsey can’t wait to get far far away from Camille aka The Bimbo. The best part about this scene? Seeing the hotness known as Mauricio.

The ladies arrive in NYC and Kyle reveals she had much less anxiety flying this time around so it’s nice to see the hypnotic jibba jabba helped her out. Camille comes out to greet the ladies and while in Taylor’s suite, Kyle pulls Camille aside to clear the air. Kyle swears she never said those things to Camille, and as we will see later, Camille will also swear on her mother’s cancer that she heard Kyle utter those words.

Kyle decides to be the bigger person and apologize, and by the end of the conversation, it seems the two have put the past behind them. Okay, so to expound more on why I’m believing Camille in this, one – she has said numerous times the exact words Kyle supposedly uttered to her. And while I know she is delusional and all that good stuff, I’m just not believing she made this up in her head. Plus did you notice how easily Kyle just threw that “don’t be insecure” jab in there? Okay, if Kyle is apologizing, why mention that? Why throw that in there at all? Why bring that up at all? While I think Camille’s soon to follow reaction was a bit much, who wouldn’t be upset at someone, who they already have bad feelings about, calling them insecure?

The ladies are shown eating dinner and Camille immediately brings up the insecure jab. Just as the argument starts getting good, Bravo decides to take a commercial break. Oh Bravo! You tease! “You need to get a therapist immediately,” states Kyle. As the argument continues, Kyle starts getting visibly upset as she continues to deny ever saying those things. “You said it, you said it. I wouldn’t make that up,” says Camille. “That is such bullsh*t Camille,” retorts Kyle.

“The more I stood up for myself, she just kept getting madder and madder, I knew I was winning. I just know, come on. The person that remains in control is the one that wins. She lost her cool. Sorry Kyle, you lose,” says the 42-year-old Camille in her interview. Evidently there was a competition going on and Camille won it. Seriously, WTH is wrong with this woman? Yikes. The episode ends and it seems the drama continues on into next week as Taylor threatens to go all Oklahoma on Kim. Sounds like fun.

Watch What Happens Live – A great episode of WWHL yesterday, definitely one of the funniest in a while. The guests included Brad Goreski of the Rachel Zoe Project, Modern Family’s Jesse Tyler Ferguson, and Lisa Vanderpump. The best part of the show was Lisa showing her dog Giggy dressed up in a cowboy attire – Brokeback Mountain style. Must say I love love love Lisa’s sense of humor. Also, Andy Cohen addressed last week’s glitch in the polls. Very glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed the poll percentages didn’t add up to 100, not even close. Andy stated there was a glitch and that Lisa actually won the favorite mom poll by receiving 41% of the votes.