Bravo Not Happy With Gretchen & Slade’s Relationship?


The Real Housewives of Orange County has yet to be greenlighted for it’s fifth season, and according to the NY Post, Slade and Gretchen’s new relationship might be playing a big factor.

As you all know by now, Gretchen and Slade are now a couple. Slade had appeared on previous seasons while dating Jo De LaRosa and Lauri Waring. The Post reports that the folks at Bravo are very skeptical of this publicity stunt new relationship and are not anxious to have Slade back on the show.

Click Here to See some Pictures of Gretchen and Slade canoodling.

Bravo has yet to renew the show for a new season, but it’s obvious the show will be back as last season gave Bravo some if it’s highest ratings. Bravo is also currently casting for new housewives.

Source – NY Post

What do you think of Gretchen and Slade’s new relationship?