All the Ways Andy Cohen Failed At the RHOSLC Season 4 Reunion

(Photo by: Jocelyn Prescod/Bravo)

For years, Andy Cohen has been our go-to guy for everything Bravo. Viewers trust him to ask the hard questions and ensure cast members are held accountable for their actions. However, it hasn’t gone unnoticed that Andy has dropped the ball in recent years. At times, he has shown favoritism, bias, and impatience when chatting on the couch with the women. The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 4 reunion has been no different, with some fans giving up on holding their tongues. Many viewers have said Andy Cohen failed at the RHOSLC Season 4 reunion, and here’s why.

Take Off the Gloves


After watching the RHOSLC reunion, it felt like Andy and the rest of the cast were played. Monica Garcia had a unique way of weaving tales and making those around her feel empathy for her. But Andy was drinking it all up. Andy brought out his sword to defend Monica, and the feeling is just a bit unsettling. He has been accused of treating the rookie with kid gloves. Instead of really grilling the mother of four, he has been almost comforting.

I understand wanting to play devil’s advocate. There could very well be so much more to Monica’s story, but currently, it feels like she just wanted to be a reality TV star. Unfortunately, Andy never really pressed her on this, and he ended up coming across as very much Team Monica.

Andy Looked Overwhelmed


You would think Andy would have grown accustomed to the pounding headaches and questioning where it all went wrong when it came to hosting the emotionally charged reunions. Yet part 1 showed Andy closing his eyes and praying to presumably every god he could think of to rapture the women away. Monica and Heather Gay were going heavily at it, with Andy just sitting idly by. Eventually, he awoke from his slumber to let Monica know, “She’s gonna tell you in a little bit,” regarding why Heather didn’t want anything to do with her. 

It isn’t the first time Andy has been called out for acting as if he isn’t interested in doing his job. During the Below Deck Season 7 reunion, the King of Bravo acted as if he didn’t even watch the season. Even though he may have been disinterested during the RHOSLC reunion at certain points, I think we can all agree he definitely watched this past season. 

Sometimes Andy’s Questions Don’t Add Up

Andy Cohen/Instagram

Andy’s juxtaposition of tough questions in part two riled me to my core. First, he quizzed Monica about her multiple names, trying to catch her out with the rookie perfectly and insightfully explaining that she is Latina and Hispanic. She succinctly explained why she’d used each of her four names, noting that they were birth and married names. The math added up.

But Andy then pivoted to Lisa Barlow and her son’s mission trip. The host acted like it was funny that her son couldn’t go on the mission trip due to partying too hard and that his visa was rejected due to him being shirtless. The lack of common sense is shocking. Everyone knows that isn’t how passport photos are taken. 

Andy Placated Mary


Personally, I am not a fan of Mary Cosby. She is a vindictive, cold-hearted, and downright mean housewife who, yes, has moments of TV gold, but it seems like she doesn’t care to be on the show. Yet here she is, still getting a Bravo paycheck. Between Mary’s inbred comment about Heather and shutting Lisa down, I was ready for Andy to really stick it to the cult church leader. I waited and waited, and nothing but a phony smile. 

The preacher even accused Whitney Rose of being a racist, with her main argument being that she used to be a part of the Mormon church. No examples, just accusations that Mary felt like shouting out to the world. Mary is abhorrent on a different level, yet the host seemed fine skating around her problematic issues. All I can say is do better, Andy.