Shannon Beador’s Co-Stars Knew About David’s Affair Before She Did; Dorinda Medley Defends Her Tweets

shannon beador dorinda medley

Last night Shannon Beador and Dorinda Medley were guests together on WWHL with Andy.   Both ladies got candid about their co-stars and more.  Shannon even admitted that ALL of her co-stars knew about David’s affair before she knew!

They start off giving Shannon kudos for being so open and honest about her weight and sharing the number on the scale.  She says she lost some weight since filming that. 

Does Shannon regret what she’s shown so far of her intense marriage counseling?  “The bottom line is, I’m on a reality show and I’m truthful.  How can you do it without talking about the big elephant in the room? Do we regret it sometimes? Maybe, but it is what it is and we’re in a better place – that’s the end result, which is amazing.”

Andy plays a clip from Tamra’s appearance on WWHL last week where she admits that she knew about David’s affair but kept her mouth shut at the reunion last season.  And he asks Shannon if she was surprised that Tamra knew.  “They all knew before I did. ”  Dorinda chimes in “and no one said anything??!”  Shannon says they knew “very shortly” before she found out.

A caller asks Shannon about Meghan and Jimmy’s marriage.  She says no one knows what goes on behind closed doors and says that what she knows of Jim is that he’s very kind.

Another fan wants to why Dorinda is so sweet on TV and so nasty and rude on Twitter with her castmates, especially Heather Thomson.  “I don’t think I’m nasty and rude on Twitter.  I think I’m more aggressive on Twitter because it’s after the fact and I sort of reevaluate it and look at it, but that whole thing has been blown out of proportion.  Remember, we’re there and we’re living it and then months later to see it and we comment on it.  I was commenting on it, that’s what you do.”

Shannon won’t dish on Brook Ayers‘ whole cancer situation but she says that it does become a much bigger story as the season goes on. 

A caller asks Dorinda if she thinks Ramona is selfish.  She laughs it off as “that’s Ramona” and explains that she just gets away with. 

Shannon shares that her and David went back and forth about whether to show their marriage issues on the show.  They decided to do it so they could show other couples that you don’t have to throw away your whole marriage in the trash can over something like this. 

A caller says she’s getting stoned and asks Shannon her opinion on pot smoking.  Shannon isn’t down with anything that puts something in your lungs other than air.

Another fan asks why Dorinda seems to get along better with Carole than she does with Heather or Kristen.  “I think because Carole is sort of a listener, she’s more calm. We have a lot in common.  We had a trip to London which was very bonding.”  Andy chimes in and says that trip starts next week on the show. 

When asked if Tamra and Eddie’s marriage will last, Shannon says “I do think they’re going to last because they understand each other. You guys only see a small clip as to what’s going on in any of our lives and no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. I think they’re gonna last a long time.”



Photo Credit: Twitter