New Atlanta Housewife Cynthia Bailey Gets Married, Nene Leakes Causes Drama

Cynthia BaileyAtlanta Housewives Nene Leakes

New Atlanta housewife Cynthia Bailey tied the knot this weekend, but of course it wouldn’t be a housewives wedding without any drama.

First, a publicist for the Real Housewives of Atlanta star sent out a press release to multiple media outlets informing them of her impending weekend nuptials.

While the press release seemed harmless enough, Bravo was none too happy. A publicist from Bravo contacted Access Atlanta, telling them that Cynthia had yet to be officially confirmed as a new housewife.

Cynthia’s publicist, after getting a stern call from Bravo, then contacted Access Atlanta as well wanting them to take down the wedding story because Cynthia “wasn’t supposed to reveal this life-changing plot line, per Bravo’s contractual arrangement.” It was obviously too late by this point as the story had spread. Interesting though to see how things work within the Bravo network.

In other news, the wedding did take place this weekend and the NYPost ended up posting a lil tidbit about a certain co-star acting like a diva.

According to the Post, Cynthia’s wedding to restaurateur Peter Thomas was held up for 45 minutes by Nene Leakes, who apparently barged into Cynthia’s bridal suite and demanded her hair and makeup be done.

The drama didn’t end there as Kim Zolciak then reportedly got into a tiff with her new boyfriend/blond boy toy, who “was checking out a hot redhead while puffing a cigar. Kim caught him in the act,” said a witness.

The Post reports all the Atlanta housewives were in attendance except Lisa Wu Hartwell. Not surprising considering the report that came out months ago revealing Lisa will be kicked off phased out of the show this season.

UPDATE: Nene Leakes is denying The NYPost story, posting the following on her twitter page –

“Why do these bloggers lie so much! I went 2 a wedding demanding hair & makeup! Now y would I do that? I have my own team! Thank u

I caused drama @ a wedding! Yup that’s what I do now. Go 2 weddings & cause drama

I know they cant help but talk about me! Who else they gone talk about?? TING TING”


Peter ThomasPeter Thomas and Cynthia Bailey