Preview the Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion! Re-visiting Old Wounds

OC Housewives

Hold on to your retractable leashes and sis and desist letters! Tonight is Part I of the Real Housewives of the Orange County Reunion, and based on last week’s finale, these ladies are going to have a lot they want to get off of their surgically enhanced chests.

The first half of the reunion promises to revisit Tamra Barney and Eddie Judge’s Alexis Couture (the porn star, not the housewife) bathtub scene causing Alexis (the housewife, not the porn star…that we know of) to call Tamra a bad mother. Alexis also comes under attack for her “traditional views” on marriage, while Vicki breaks down watching a video of Donn discuss their divorce and the pain of seeing it play out on television.


Gretchen defends her relationship with Slade, but opens up about the hardships of dating a man with no job and mountains of child support debt. Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse, Tamra and Gretchen let the accusations fly about the cheating, lying, and meddling. It’s almost as if we’ve been transported back to last season! Clearly these two have yet to kiss and make up over their past drama. Of course, it wouldn’t be a reunion if Andy Cohen wasn’t there to stir the pot referee.

Gretchen recently spoke with In Touch about what to expect from the sixth season reunion (and made sure to name drop the dietary supplement she takes to maintain her figure). She reveals that she and Tamra get into it over some of Tamra’s biting comments. “Tamara said some really harsh things about Slade this season and I wanted to address some of those issues. You really see the claws come out.”

While Tamra can certainly bring the drama, Gretchen is proud of herself for standing up to her. She says, “I didn’t even know I had it in me to fight like [I] did. It was pretty intense. You think New Jersey was crazy, you should see us at our reunion.” And watch, we shall!

Part I of the reunion airs tonight at 9 ET, followed by an all new Real Housewives of New Jersey on its new night. Part II of the OC reunion also airs tomorrow night on Bravo. Watch a sneak peek below!


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