VIDEO: Teen Mom 2 Premieres Tonight; See A Dramatic Sneak Peak Of What’s To Come!

Teen Mom 2

Teen Mom 2 premieres tonight on MTV and for some of the ladies it’s a season filled with drama, heartbreak and tough choices as their babies become toddlers.

RadarOnline is reporting that we will get a birds-eye glimpse of Leah Messer‘s marital issues, particularly that Leah feels trapped at home taking care of her twin daughters while her husband, Corey Simms, works long hours. Leah craves some independence and a job of her own leading to some unfortunate situations, but hey when you have children someone has to take care of them!

Chelsea Houska completes the GED this season, taking the first steps towards creating a more positive future for her daughter, but finding time to study while caring for a baby is another story all together. Also distracting her: she can’t get over Aubree’s father, Adam, who remains disconnected to her and his daughter.

Kailyn Lowry is struggling to balance work and school and the 50/50 split custody agreement she has with her son’s father, Jo Rivera. “It takes a lot to co-parent, but we’re trying to be as civil as possible,” Kailyn told Star earlier this year about their situation. “Our relationship is a roller coaster. There’s always a calm before the storm.” It seems like things are going pretty well for Kailyn, except for the rumors that she may have cheated on her current boyfriend, Jordan with her old one!

Despite critics of the show claiming that MTV is glorifying teen parenting by making celebrities out of the teen moms, Kailyn feels that’s not true at all! “It’s not glamorous in any way,” she insists. “If they actually pay attention, they’ll see that one of us is always crying and going through something.”

“I’m kind of like walking birth control for them!” she adds, saying that her friends have definitely thought about preventing pregnancy after seeing her struggle. “At least someone’s benefiting from it.”

And finally, Janelle. Oh, Janelle. Janelle and her mother Barbara Evans are at it again over her unhealthy relationship with on and off boyfriend Kieffer Delp, Janelle focusing on her son, and getting her life back on track. While Barbara clearly loves both her daughter and her gradnson her methods are a little… well, crazy!

MTV offers a glimpse of what viewers can expect to see this season and it’s not pretty, as Janelle and Barbara get into a violent altercation over Janelle sneaking around to see the jobless, law disregarding Kieffer. Barbara doesn’t mince words, telling her daughter: “That’s why you never go anywhere in life.” Tough love, anyone? A clip of the incident is below.

Teen Mom 2 premieres tonight at 10/9c on MTV.