Just because The Bachelor has ended its sixteenth run, doesn’t mean that the tabloid industry isn’t still running all kinds of news on its winner, Courtney Robertson. This past season’s villainess is still being accused of being a sneaky gold digger who is only into Ben Flajnik for all his millions. And his hair. We can’t forget that.
In a recent report from In Touch, someone trying to make money by spilling secrets about Courtney, reveals the oh-so-shocking news that she “has had numerous plastic surgeries, including implants, fillers, laser surgery and Botox.” Her, and every other woman currently on television. You can’t get that creepy emotionless stare without injecting poison into your forehead, ya know.
The source also alleges that Courtney’s life goals are not so wholesome, spilling that “Her life’s goal is not to settle down and have kids, it’s to be aPlayboy model.” Playboy models make good money! I’m not so sure if I buy this, only because there are easier ways to model for Playboy that don’t involve going on a cheesy reality show. And given all his partying, I’m not so sure Ben wants to settle down either.
The source is adamant that Courtney’s main goal is to pose naked for the iconic men’s magazine, claiming all she wants is money. The source says, “I think that will be her next move. She wants the money. All she’s really looking for is to be supported financially.” Now I’m confused, is she a gold-digger for Ben’s wallet or does she just want to be out on her own to pose naked as she wishes? Snitches need to be clearer.
As for Courtney, she recently gave her first solo post-show interview to Wetpaint, and she sounds downright normal in it, and not like some conniving wanna-be nude model. She reveals she and Ben just spent a weekend together (photos are below) in San Francisco and that she hopes to move there soon. For now, the couple has to deal with attention from the tabloids and paparazzi, but it doesn’t bother Courtney:
“We try not to pay attention to it. I guess positive stories don’t sell, so no one wants to run the truth. All they care about is selling magazines so they come up with these crazy, scandalous stories that are just so ridiculous. I mean, I’m carrying the Bachelor baby? At first, it made me really angry, but I’ve made peace with it.”
She insists that she wasn’t bothered by all the reports of Ben cheating and partying with other girls, and buys his “we’re just friends” excuse:
“Of course, initially it was upsetting. But at the end of the day, if I didn’t trust him, I wouldn’t be with him, period.
He has a lot of female friends and he’s a playful, flirty guy who likes to party with everyone. I get that about him and I’m completely fine with it. He’s a really warm and social person.
But he became a target. The tabloids hired people to follow him everywhere, just waiting for the chance to snap a photo of anything they could to make it look like he was doing something shady. I think you can take a photo and make it look like anything if you really want to.
Am I thrilled about the photos? No. But I believe him when he says he didn’t cheat.”
As for her relationship with the other women, most who couldn’t stand her, Courtney says “..it’s definitely not as bad as people might think. Everyone’s moving on.” But she is quick to admit that she “would have handled herself differently” if she had to do it all over again.
When it comes to the public backlash, Courtney claims things are starting to improve: “I just spent the weekend with Ben in San Francisco and people kept coming up to us and offering words of encouragement. So yeah, things seem to be getting better.”
And unlike Ben, who has been quoted saying this was the worst experience of his life, Courtney would “do it again in a heartbeat.” Of course she would! Photos of Ben and Courtney together are below!
Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson on a date! “1st pic out in public” tweeted Ben.
Ben and Courtney double date with Ben’s sister Julia Flajnik!