Are Brooks Ayers And Vicki Gunvalson Headed For A Split? Plus VIDEO: Alexis Makes Her Acting Debut!

Well, it seems Mr. Hallmark has grown tired of filling the tank of Ms. Sugar Mama. Despite Vicki Gunvalson‘s protestations of everlasting love plus a lifetime supply of affirmations and Chicken Soup For The Real Housewives Soul, perhaps Brooks Ayers can take no more!

RadarOnline is reporting that Vicki’s tanks are running on empty again as Brooks has soured on the relationship because people started poking into his scamming ways. “Brooks is totally at the point of dumping Vicki,” a source reveals.

Unfortunately he has developed a nasty case of famewhoreitis, which as we know from Kim Kardashian is just almost incurable! “Problem is, he really enjoys all the fame and attention that goes with dating her, so looks like he will be hanging on for a little longer to milk it for all it’s worth.” Whoa- I guess he’s also developed a case of Slave Slimeys! Gloaming onto a reality star in the desperate hopes that you’ll procure a spinoff. Sadly, as we’ve learned from Slave it’s just as likely that someone will go digging around into your past and find even more incriminating stuff!

It seems Brooks has left his four children in Mississippi and has been living with Vicki, but her OCD ways are little too much for the walking Nicholas Sparks quotation to bear. “He recently relocated to Orange County to be closer to her and that’s proven to be a complete disaster. He says he feels constantly irritated and annoyed by her and finds her possessive and controlling,” the source dishes. So, when she started buying his clothes three months into the relationship that wasn’t a sign?

“But, he loves being in the spotlight and really wants more fame for himself, and let’s face it, he’s not going to get that if he splits up with her right now.” Conundrum!


And allegedly at Tuesday’s WinesbyWives launch party, witnesses observed the pair having some problems! “They didn’t arrive together,” the source reveals. “Vicki made some grand entrance in a Bentley while Brooks stood around in the crowd waiting for her. Then they were hardly together all night.”

“Vicki stayed in one corner pretty much all of the night, holding court, while Brooks worked the room like a shark looking for his prey.” Oh good lord – was he telling them what amazing, sensational, phenomenal, inspiring people they were who are destined to change the world? Do we think Brooks reads a lot of Joel Osteen or what?

“I saw Brooks hitting on several women and he seemed to be using pretty much the same old chat up line with all of them. A couple of the women spoke to me later and commented on how creepy he was,” a witness claims. “Then, later in the night, Brooks told a friend of mine that he was sick of all of Vicki’s bulls**t and that he was totally over her drama.” The source adds, “I really don’t see these two lasting much longer.”

Well, I guess Tamra Barney has little to worry about then. Hopefully Vicki hasn’t bought him a Mercedes and given him the passwords to all her bank accounts yet! Interestingly, Vicki doesn’t seem concerned about the state of their relationship – the pair recently vacationed in Napa and went to the Kentucky Derby last weekend!

Moving on, Alexis Bellino is adding one more part-time career to her roster. She must be sedating Jim Bellino and then leaving for work or something. The Real Housewives of Orange County star made her acting debut on the soap opera General Hospital.

Alexis played the role of someone she knows very well- a reality star trainwreck a newscaster! Channeling Katie Kourig realness!

“It was just a ton of fun,” she says of the role. “It was an absolute blast,” she shares with NY Daily News. “It was interesting to come on here for the first time and be able to deliver that kind of news.”

Alexis thinks her professional experience newscastering is what got her the part – but it turns out they were mostly interested in her looks! “Well, that’s what I thought, but the head producer told me it was just because I was good looking,” she confesses. “So I don’t know what the real reason is. It had to have something to do with my news job.”

And she reveals she learned a lot from the coach we saw her working with on RHOC – particularly on dressing the part if you want to be taken seriously as a professional. “That was a touchy subject just because my producer at Fox 5 always said she wanted me to dress my personality and my role that I am on ‘Housewives,’ and just bring that over to the show,” Alexis explains of her decision to wear a super low-cut top on her news gig. “So I didn’t think twice about it.

“When I put that top on, I didn’t realize it was as low as it was. I don’t plan to wear something that low-cut on the news again. So it was a point well taken.” A video of Alexis’ breakout role on General Hospital is below!

[Photo Credit: Vicki Gunvalson’s Facebook]