Tonight is the second installment of the reunion for the never-ending fourth season of Real Housewives of New Jersey. Tonight's segment will be all about who has the worst marriage. And for those of you who are interested in seeing a bunch of grown women engage in a game of you she-said, she-said; get ready!
To celebrate the craziest, wildest, most vitriolic and least refined of Bravo's Real Housewives franchise, we've decided to put together a little list of our top most shocking RHONJ moments. Behold the greatness below.
Real Housewives of New Jersey airs tonight at 10/9c on Bravo. Reality Tea will be live-tweeting all the chaos and trying to keep a tally going for whose husband cheats the most. Join us if you dare – it could get crazy.
And don't forget the cocktails – tonights TeaTini is a RHONJ classic! It's good ol' coke mixed with red wine. Aaaahhhh… back in the good ol' days when the gals were still friends and keeping each other's dirty secrets.
[All Photo Credits:]
Most Scandalous RHONJ Moments
Sex At Teresas
Meet Danielle! She's a divorced mom of two who met a younger man on the internet. And she had sex with him at Teresa's house during a party. I think it's fair to say Danielle got off on the wrong, ummm... well, she got off but just not on the right foot! -
Side Jobs: Even worse for poor Danielle it is discovered that the former stripper is also the star of her own sex tape! And if there's one thing NJ Housewives don't like it's sex tape stars! -
Danielle Book
The Past Comes Back To Haunt Danielle: Cop Without A Badge is discovered at the salon the ladies all frequent. Was it Dina or Caroline who brought out the book? Danielle's 19 engagements and criminal past was too much dirty laundry for some housewives from Franklin Lakes and she officially became the villain. All the nonsense also ended her friendship with Jacqueline! -
Table Flip
Tossed Salad: At the season finale Danielle confronts the ladies about their backstabbing ways - and Teresa confronts Danielle about her prostitution whore ways! Teresa got so mad she upended dinner in everyone's lap - and cemented herself as the breakout star of RHONJ! -
Danielle Brownstone
Hell's Little Angel: The next season Danielle was back with a vengeance - and some new friends. Meet Kim G and Danny; Danielle's posse. At a charity event hosted at The Brownstone, Danielle brought them along - with a Hell's Angels President - and demanded extra tables and a lot of perks. After leaving for being mistreated, Danny had a lot of choice words for Chissyfart Manzo! -
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Oh Baby: Teresa gave birth to Audriana and through her contractions, screamed she had to poop. Nevertheless Audriana came into the world wearing Gucci and Aunt Dina was christened her godmother. -
Dina Danielle
Last Season's Versautchee: Dina was so tired of the negativity Danielle brought to her life that she took her energist's advice to tell Danielle exactly how she felt. Danielle refused to "shush" so Dina quit the show! And oh the drama that followed... -
The Great Posche Fashion Show: PFS rose to great heights way back in S2, when crafty Kim D first revealed her scheming ways by inviting all the RHONJ ladies to the show. After the fashions, Teresa put on her own show when she and Danielle had words in the lobby. Teresa just wants to know: "Is bitch better?" -
Danger In Numbers: Just when Danielle thought she was safe after Teresa chased her until her bodyguard could intervene, Ashlee snuck up behind her and ripped out her weave! Kim G called the cops and Danielle decided to press charges against Ashlee for battery. -
Back To Her Roots: Following the stress of PFS, Danielle takes Kim G and some friends for a little stripper-robics. Kim G got her old ass up on the pole after Danielle showed her how to work it. I'm still having PTS flashbacks... -
Money For Nothing: Despite filing bankruptcy and rumors that her house was in foreclosure, Teresa decided to celebrate the official unveiling of her "re-done" home. And dropped several thousand dollars cash on rented furniture for the occasion. She shouldn't have taken the advice of her party planner Elvira, who declared a bankruptcy of her own! Oh - and there was Kim drama at the party too! -
Drunken Mishaps: As if bankruptcy wasn't bad enough, Juicy was arrested for a DUI during filming when after leaving a "business meeting" he took out four trees and then took a shot before calling the cops. Juicy is still facing trial related to that charge - and others! -
Sponge Bob SquareTits: Kim G and Danielle were friends - when it was convenient. And after the two bodyguard lovin', drama starting crazies had a falling out, they had a very public break up outside a restaurant. Kim G showed her true, perfect for RHONJ colors, when she screamed she was done with Danielle and her "square tits" from the restaurant steps! -
The Joker And The Fool: Caroline finally filmed with Danielle for the first time all season when she told her to stay out of their lives forever. Danielle brought armed guards to the meeting, Caroline just brought her attitude. -
When Push Comes To Shove: At the S2 reunion things really went nuts. After Danielle brought up the tension Teresa had with her brother Joe and his wife, Teresa went ballistic and in a blind rage shoved Andy Cohen! It was hands-down the most shocking reunion moment in Housewives history! -
Meet The Gorgas: Season 3 opened with a bang and a massive family fight when Joe and Melissa, allegedly brought onto the show to cause drama with Teresa, held a christening for their youngest son. After Joe called his sister "garbage" all hell broke loose with an insane Gorgadice brawl! Nothing says welcoming your child into Jesus' love like punching your brother-in-law and cussing out your sister. Amen to that. -
Too Hot For Mommy? After showing us they're definitely willing to cause drama, Melissa and Joe showed us their home. Complete with this resplendent entryway piece of Melissa! -
Posche Trashion Show Strikes Again: No Posche Fashion Show is complete without copious drama and S3 didn't disappoint when Teresa and Kathy had a backstage blow-up over Teresa's parenting. -
Happy Birthday Baby Jesus, Now Get Out: Melissa and Joe hosted a birthday party for Baby Jesus and all Jesus got for his birthday was plenty of drama. When Kim G crashed with friend Monica, Teresa and Caroline all but demanded she be thrown out. Melissa, trying to prove she was dramaful enough for this show, happily obliged as Chrissyfer escorted her out. -
Punta Crazy: Punta Cana was the straw that broke the camel's back for the Manzo-Giudice friendship. Apparently in footage not shown on camera Teresa caused a drunken brawl at a bar which resulted in the Manzo boys being arrested and sued along with Juicy. Oh - and the Gorgas reminded us of their classiness when they had sex in a public bathroom. Poison was desperate to escape! -
Blinded By The White: S4 started with a bang when everyone tried to get along but just couldn't. The Gorgadice family drama raged on as Teresa and Melissa got in a huge blow-up at a goddess party over who sucks more as a sister-in-law. Clearly their third eye was replaced by the evil one. -
Whatever: Longtime besties Teresa and Jacqueline suffered a friendship divorce over Teresa's shady behavior with the tabloids, among other things. After a vicious argument at Jacqueline's left Jacqueline questioning how much Teresa valued their relationship, things were put On Display at Melissa's launch party. Jacqueline announced she had lost a best friend that night and the relationship never recovered. -
Whine Country: On a castwide trip to Napa, relationships frayed further. And Juicy was caught in an incriminating phone conversation calling his wife a c-u-next-tuesday. Desperate to prove her marriage was strong Teresa later begged him for sex in the vineyard within hearing distance of the rest of the cast! -
Boiled Over: Back at the house, Caroline could take no more of Teresa's lies and fakeness. She blew up at her former friend and some seriously heated and vicious words were exchanged. After a season-long debate about whether or not Teresa was selling stories to tabloids, Juicy finally spilled the wine and admitted they had gotten paid. Teresa and Caroline's friendship was done. -
On Display: At Chateau Salon, Teresa learns Melissa was On Display well before RHONJ! When Melissa's former boss, Angelo, approached her to announce that Melissa used to work for him... as a dancer. Oops. Dirty little secrets... -
Stripped Naked: Later at the PFS, Angelo approached Melissa and asked if she remembered him. After Teresa and Melissa had a heated exchange in the bathroom over just who Angelo was, he seemed to expose Teresa as behind the set-up. Melissa called Joe, who showed up to call Kim D a "coke whore" - and let Teresa know just how he felt. Teresa was ostracized by the cast following the event and still is not on speaking terms with any of them! -
Reunion Blues: At the first part of the reunion, Teresa called Caroline "blubber" while Jacqueline and Teresa butted heads continuously. And Kathy finally got in on the action when she called Teresa's mom a "liar" on national TV. Oh, the drama never ends...