Basketball Wives L.A. Recap: Never a Bridesmaid, Always a Bride

We resumed last night's Basketball Wives: LA with the altercation at Gloria Govan's going away party.  It's every bit as ridiculous and as anticlimactic as it was when it left off last week. 

Malaysia Pargo is holding back Draya Michele with the help of Brooke Bailey.  After Jackie Christie calls her a "ho" for the fiftieth time, Draya swings.  Even Malaysia can't believe how Jackie's acting.  Security pulls Jackie away while Laura Govan laughs about Draya trying to hit "auntie."  All of the girls find the scene hilarious except for Draya.  She's not proud that she let Jackie rile her up like she did.  Gloria urges her sister to go check on Jackie since they're "BFFs."  Laura does not like working this hard on a friendship! 

Jackie asks for Laura's honest opinion, but she won't really listen.  According to Jackie, Draya was ugly to her while she was trying to extend the olive branch.  Were we watching the same altercation?  Jackie claims her soul is hurt.  Laura can't help but feel sorry for her.  Thankfully, Jackie has found solace in her new biffle Bambi.  Poor Bambi doesn't know these women well enough to know she needs to be running as fast as she can in the opposite direction.  Bambi feeds Jackie's ego, and Jackie needs a giant groveling apology from Draya to even consider letting her back in her good graces.  Jackie threatens to take down Draya if that doesn't happen.  This dynamic between Bambi and Jackie seems so phony…at least on Jackie's part.


Malaysia is hosting her first PR event, which benefits a Lupus charity, and she's invited her sister, Laura, and Bambi.  Malaysia totally understands why Draya was angry.  Laura reveals that she's just too exhausted by Jackie.  I think Bambi is a bit nervous to find out so many people are jumping off the Jackie train.  Laura finds it hilarious that Jackie is all about some Bambi after only knowing her for five minutes. Malaysia is getting nervous about having to speak to her guests on the microphone, but she manages to get through it. 

Brooke has three kids who range in age from eight to fifteen.  She and her children have a playdate with Draya and her son at an amazingly awesome looking trampoline fun house.  Is this what the Bellinos are opening?  Maybe I judged them too harshly!  Draya and Brooke chat about Jackie's behavior, but she also feels badly that Jackie is the brunt of the groups' jokes.  Brooke doesn't really care about being friends with Jackie, but she is dying to attend her crazy wedding.  She can't be faulted for that!

Bambi is gearing up for her show, and Draya goes to watch her new friend's sound check.  Draya inquires as to whether Jackie will be at Bambi's show.  Draya tells Bambi that she won't be attending because she doesn't want to potentially ruin Bambi's night if Jackie instigates another fight.  It's surprisingly mature of Draya.  Bambi really wants Draya to some support her…I can't tell if she just likes stirring the pot though.  I wouldn't want the two of them in the same vicinity if I was trying to perform!

It's the night of Bambi's show, and Jackie is dressed like an oversexed Sargeant Pepper.  Seriously, she has on a marching band jacket and pink fishnets.  Where are her pants?  Laura arrives, and Jackie asks her again if Laura thought she was in the wrong.  Again, Laura says yes, but of course Jackie doesn't think she was.  She tells Laura and Malaysia that if Draya apologizes, she will hug Draya to her bosom and tell her that Mama forgives her.  That's exactly what you should do to someone who is mad at you for being condescending about her young age.  Laura is enjoying herself trying to mimic the dancers even though she lacks rhythm.  Dare I say I'm actually starting to enjoy one half of the Sisters Govan?  She has some pretty hilarious one-liners.  Of course, the rap show reminds Jackie of tender times with her mother (huh?) so she starts bawling to Malaysia about how much she misses her mom.  AAAAAAAANNNNDDD, we're back to the Jackie Christie Show!  In the next breath, Jackie's up dancing again.  She just needed a little attention.

Laura and Brooke meet for lunch (shocking!), and they are laughing about the Draya/Jackie situation.  Laura thinks Draya needs to be better at ignoring Jackie's antics.  They both think she should pick her battles.  Laura shares how much fun Bambi's show was, and she dishes on Jackie's tears and her lack of outfit.  Brooke is too excited about her upcoming birthday pool party to be bothered by Jackie.

Draya, Malaysia, and Bambi are meeting for coffee.  Malaysia wonders why Draya felt the need to try to fight a senior citizen.  The girls revisit Bambi and Brooke's beef, and Draya gives Bambi some pretty stellar advice about just letting go of the silliness.  Um, perhaps Draya should take her own advice when it comes to Jackie.  Malaysia wants to have a discussion with Jackie because she's had enough of her drama.  She feels two-faced about going to Jackie's wedding when she's not totally feeling Jackie at the moment.  Draya definitely won't be watching Jackie walk down the aisle…again. 

Because it's all they do, Laura and Jackie meet for lunch?  Dinner?  Who even cares at this point.  Laura goes through her thought process regarding when Jackie asked her to be her maid-of-honor.  She tells Jackie how confused she is by Jackie's behavior.  Jackie needs to either give Draya a beat down or let it go.  Jackie is thrilled that Laura is being so honest with her, and Laura is quick to tell Jackie to her face all the things she has said behind her back…mainly that her soldier get-up was horrid.

Mixing it up a bit, Bambi, Laura, and Malaysia are shopping for Jackie's wedding.  Are they at a thrift store?  Laura reveals that she may not go to the wedding.  I'd like to retract my earlier statement about Laura.  She's being too wishy-washy and two-faced.  Malaysia also is on the fence about the wedding.  Lately she feels like Jackie is using her as a gateway to the other women because she knows Malaysia will have the most patience with her.  Malaysia's feelings are hurt.  Laura tries to act tough, and Malaysia counters that if Jackie were to die, they would all be upset.  Um, not so much Laura…she will chow down on the funeral food though.  We learn that Laura is concocting some sort of revenge on Jackie for her behavior last season.  Bambi finds it incredibly rude that both of the girls are thinking of backing out on Jackie's wedding.

This season, we still have rolling skating and zip lining with the ladies.  Jackie's wedding is a mess, and Draya and Brooke make-out.  Gloria foreshadows Matt Barnes' issues with a certain cop, and Laura continues to mastermind a plan against Jackie.  Brooke replaces Draya as Jackie's target. 


[Photo Credit: VH1]

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