Arie Luyendyk Writing A Tell-All About The Bachelorette? Plus, Ben Flajnik “Surprised” By Courtney Robertson’s Behavior Post-Breakup!

I'm sure no one is surprised to learn that approximately five seconds after being dumped by Ben Flajnik, his ex-fiance unleashed the crazy that millions of viewers observed on The Bachelor

Courtney Robertson is not only reportedly writing a tell-all about her experiences on the show and with Ben, but she's been out and about complaining about him and slamming him left and right in the press. For all -2 of you who didn't think Courtney was a famewhore looking for her big ticket to stardom before this, her post-breakup behavior pretty much dispels any lingering myth.

In addition to all that nonsense, Courtney has taken a liking to hometown Phoenix-native and fellow Bachelor Nation alum, Arie Luyendyk Jr. Apparently Courtney's behavior has rubbed off on poor too cute for words Arie. 


Arie's manager tells In Touch Weekly that the kissing champion who stole Emily Maynard's lips on The Bachelorette is looking to get a book published based on his own experiences. 

“He’s pursuing a writing deal,” Klint Briney, Arie's manager confirms, refusing to say what exactly the topic of said-book will be. For all we know it could be a how-to guide to making out!

A show insider reveals that if Arie has a tell-all in the works, it would be shocking! “A lot of crazy crap happened during the filming of The Bachelorette, and it got even crazier afterward." 

Apparently he has a lot of dirt on Ms. Maynard and her fiance-for-a-hot-minute, Jef Holm.  “Arie knows a lot of the ugly stuff that went down with Emily and Jef.” A recent report claimed that contrary to what we saw on TV, Arie actually dumped Emily and left the show after learning she secretly slept with Jef in the Fantasy Suite. 

I have my doubts about a so-called tell-all slamming Jef, considering Arie and Jef are close friends. Jef even recently visited Arie post-breakup in Arizona. 

And confirming this is all a lie, is Arie himself! He tells DigitalSpy: "Woke up to a tabloid mess. Mags haven't hit the west coast but when they do the truth is that my management was never quoted and I often wonder where they get this stuff."

"I'm not writing a book, a memoir or any other sort of written piece, and in terms of the Jef and Emily part of the story, that's extremely false. I would never do that to them."

Now, back to Courtney and Ben! After Courtney's recent tirade in the press accusing him of being "cruel," Ben apparently decided it was finally time to get his side of the story out. The ex-fiance of crazybrows has been avoiding the spotlight and remaining mum since their breakup became public. 

“I’m not really one to stay up on gossip, but my sister keeps me in the loop,” Ben tells Life & Style. “All of my friends were really surprised and disappointed. [Courtney] knew them all.”

After Courtney came out confirming she and Arie are an item, Ben was shocked by the news and he's also shocked by how Courtney is behaving after their breakup. Really, Ben, really? C'mon… you watched the show, right?!

“I don’t know what to make of it. The way she handled it wasn’t in the best taste,” Ben shares. As for Arie, Ben assumed they were friends. Ben is really bad at reading people, isn't he? “I thought I knew him. He came up to Sonoma and we hung out for a few days. He seemed like a really nice guy.”

One thing Ben isn't confused about was his decision to end things with Courtney. “Breaking up was the right move,” Ben admits. “That [she's now dating Arie] really closed the door behind her.”

You know, Ben, if you would have listened to the 24 other women on the show, you could have saved yourself the hassle. Anyway, onwards and upwards. Hopefully Arie can handle Queen Crazy and she hasn't lured him in too far with her skinnydipping on the first date ways!

And you know, once they inevitably breakup, Courtney can go on Bachelor Pad. You know it's coming… 

Credit: Judy Eddy/