Kim Kardashian And Kris Humphries Fail To Reach Last Minute Settlement; Kris Jenner Lashes Out At Star Magazine!

Kim Kardashian seen leaving court after Kris Humphries divorce hearing

Happy weekend, readers!  I've got some pretty phenomenal news for y'all!  Guess what?  The Kardashians never do anything wrong.  Crazy, I know!  All the stuff we read about them is lies.  Kris Jenner is not trying to find the next highest paycheck for her daughters and Rob.  They are just a normal family who enjoys spending a little time in the public eye.  The krew would be more than happy to maintain their privacy.  Ahahahahaha!  It was hard to even type that!

You know how I know this ahmahzing information?  It's straight from the pimpmomager herself!  Kris is letting everyone know that what we read in the tabloids–like the writings of her late ex-husband's journal–are totally false.  In other news, daughter Kim Kardashian's dicorce proceedings are moving forward as planned after her attorneys failed to reach a settlement agreement with those of Kris Humphries.  The above picture is her leaving court…what, praytell, is she wearing??


Kris feels as if she bears the burden of setting the record straight.  Funny how doing so requires her to get even more attention.  Bless her heart. 

On her Celebuzz page, she writes, "Every week I am going to be giving you guys a full update on what is going on in my life. First of all I wanted to share that I had a great Easter with my family. It’s funny that there’s always a 'source' at all of our family gatherings who supposedly feeds BS to the tabloids."  Did you hear that, y'all?  Every.  Week.   

Kris continues, "My husband and I have been married for over 20 years and I love him. We are so lucky that we get to have so much fun together and with our kids. I also love that Bruce and I get to create so many amazing memories not just for ourselves, but also for our kids and grandkids. We are truly blessed." 

The matriarch also has a special message for a certain tabloid, and she's not holding back (in true Kris fashion).  She blogs, "STAR MAGAZINE, I know you’re going to write your BS to sell magazines, but I will do everything I can to protect my family. The conversation that Bruce supposedly had with our kids, NEVER happened. So if you’re going to talk to your usual ‘anonymous sources’ about these stories, at least try and make sure that they’re credible. Furthermore, I rarely have a second to myself as I am constantly surrounded by family and people. I cherish every second I get to spend with my family and look forward to many more precious moments with them in the years ahead."  Them's fightin' words!

Speaking of Star Magazine, their site Radar Online is reporting that Kim and that other Kris failed in a last ditch settlement attempt.  The site confirms the news, sharing a statement form Lee Hutton, one of Kris Humphries' attorneys.

Hutton states, "The trial is proceeding as as scheduled and I can't comment on the proceedings today because they are confidential."

According to sources (P.S. Kris Jenner hates you guys!), Kim entered and exited the settlement talks through a private hallway reserved for judges.  Of course she did. 


[Photo Credit: LG/Splash News]

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