Happy 5th Birthday To Reality Tea


Five years ago today the very first post was published here at Reality Tea.  We weren't sure what to label this as – a birthday? an anniversary? just another Friday?  Anniversary fits well since it feels a little like we're married to the site, but birthdays guarantee a cake and way better presents.  Just don't let Yolanda catch you near the cake table trying to sniff any crumbs. 

Yep, we are FIVE years old already. We are pretty excited, humbled and thankful about this milestone.  We owe it all to our readers and our tiny, but devoted and sleep deprived, team of writers.  The site continues to grow at a mind-boggling rate every single day and it's all because of you. 


We're so thankful for our readers.  You guys hang out with us every day – some of you all day and night, but hey, we aren't judging! We love you for it!  You share this wacky roller coaster ride of reality TV fandom with us.  You Tweet with us, you like us on Facebook and share our posts (well sometimes… when you're not afraid of sharing your dirty little reality TV secret with your friends and family), you chat with us here, on Facebook and in emails.  Even those of you who've never emailed, never commented and have preferred to just read and roll your eyes at the reality stars quietly and privately at home and work, we have nothing but love and thanks for you guys, too! 

I'm thankful for our writers.  Without them, there'd be nothing to see here and life would be pretty boring.  I can't thank Lauren, Mary and Melissa enough for their dedication and their sense of humor and for providing the site with three unique and equally awesome voices and differing points of view on the shows, the stars, their legal issues, their feuds and all things reality TV.  P.S. I take full responsibility for their depleted brain cells as a result of having to watch so many hours of reality television every week…

We're thankful to our other reality TV blogger friends. Thanks for being classy and working with us and sharing laughs. Thanks for having our back and realizing that readers can enjoy all of the sites and it can be friendly and fun.

Thank you all so much for making the site what it is and helping it to be a fun place to hang out and get our reality TV fixes.  Please accept a little slice of our virtual birthday cake today (no calories!)!  Also, you're officially invited to our 10th birthday. Save the date.

This sounded more like a Thanksgiving Day post…. 

P.S. For a little birthday fun and because our memory is getting bad (we're old now!) and we need a refresher, we'll be bringing you some throwback posts throughout the month!  Stay tuned for the trip down memory lane (you've been warned).

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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