Stevie J Indicted Over Million Dollar Child Support Debt; Faces Prison Time!

Stevie J on the red carpet at the 2014 BET Awards

Stevie J‘s life as a deadbeat dad has finally come to an end! The federal government is putting a stop to his remiss fathering ways after a grand jury indicted Stevie for owing more than $1 million dollars in unpaid child support and now he could be headed to prison. 

The Love & Hip Hop Atlanta star has been trying to fight the charges, even attempting to take a plea deal where he goes to rehab in exchange for avoiding prison and getting a reduced payment. Stevie is currently in a 30-day rehab program because he failed a few court-ordered drug tests, I might add!


There is even a rumor that Mona Scott Young corroborated with Stevie to mislead the government about how much money he earns! Mona posted Stevie’s bail when he was arrested for these charges way back in June. 

Unfortunately Stevie is not getting his way, because after being indicted he now faces up to 2-years in prison for owing $1,107,412 in unpaid support for 2 of his children. In fact, Stevie has not paid child support since 2001!

Despite the indictment, Stevie’s arraignment for the charges will be postponed until February 10th because he is currently in a court-ordered rehab program following a TENTH failed drug test; testing positive for weed and cocaine reports TMZ. He will face a judge in NYC to receive his sentence and he will still be obligated to pay his child support debt. Joseline better not show up for the arraignment as she has an outstanding warrant in NYC herself. Two for one deal, judge! 

Interestingly despite the fact that Stevie is currently locked-away in rehab, he has remained very active on twitter and instagram. The L&HH: ATL train, engineered by Mona, must keep on rolling, pretending everything’s fine. 

My, my – two years in prison! What will Joseline do? Who will she blame and beat-down next? And what will become of Stevie’s illustrious reality career?  Even more interesting, Atlanta Constitution Journal reports that L&HH: ATL season 4 is currently filming and in production, so I wonder if they’re getting all this lovely footage of Stevie?! Let’s hope. 

But I say – GOOD! Glad Stevie is getting his due. Too bad his kids aren’t getting theirs. Good thing partying and famewhoring was more important than their health and happiness. 


[Photo Credit: WENN]