Bethenny Frankel Says Dorinda Medley Was A Hot Mess; Talks “Hypocrite Dinner”

 Bethenny Frankel & Heather Thomson 'Know It Alls'

The Real Housewives of New York star Bethenny Frankel would like it to be known that her co-stars of full of crap when it comes to F-Bombs and other matters of swearing.  She took to her blog to dish on swearing like sailors, Ramona Singer’s inability to close a deal, what a hot mess Dorinda Medley was, and so much more. 

She starts off confessing that she came across like a smarty pants.  “Although I stand by what I was saying at lunch, I am self-aware and did see that I was particularly aggressive and acting like a know-it-all. That doesn’t change that it was funny how lit up Heather got by it. We had just made up and were in a good place and she couldn’t help jumping on that.”  She adds in her blog, “I loved that afternoon. We had the best time on the beach, the drama diffused and all was well in the world.” 

On dear Ramona and her man skills.  “I was particularly amused by Ramona trying to squirm her way out of the cock block by saying she is used to taking care of everyone else. When is that? Because I must have missed that chapter in our relationship. Well, no one ever accused Ramona of being self-aware. We all were so disgusted because she became that girl we all knew and hated in college. This is the new and improved selfish, single Ramona. Oh joy. She heard that guy was rich and single, and like a desperate barracuda, she went in for the kill. She really has no game. She can start something but a closer she is not.” 

On her dear friends and their proper talk, Bethenny says they’re liars.  “The cursing dinner was hilarious. It should be called the hypocrite dinner. Heather can curse all she wants and literally DOES NOT curse more than anyone including Luann, Sonja and Dorinda. Heather isn’t at a 5-year-old’s birthday and these women are all full of SH–. They all curse like drunken sailors. Ramona doesn’t cop to her words, her actions, or her sex life. Why would she cop to her words?” 

Her favorite bits of the episode:  “My favorite moment was Kristen grabbing for the wine. That was physical comedy, and I’m not sure if you heard but when Dorinda was leaving the restaurant like a hot mess, you hear in the background Sonja saying “what kind of vodka was that?” Lol, I enjoyed this scene.” 

Bethenny ends with,  “Dorinda was a total disaster. Heather was pretty much on this planet and as usual Carole and Kristen avoided the fray.” 


Photo Credit: Bravo TV

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