Siggy Flicker Opens Up About Her Quest To “Mend The Broken Relationships” On RHONJ

Why is Siggy Flicker always crying?

I had high hopes for Siggy Flicker when she first appeared on Real Housewives of New Jersey wrapped up in bandages from her face lift, sipping lobster bisque from a straw. That moment set the bar pretty high in my eyes. And apparently that bar was a little too high since (in my opinion) Siggy has zero involvement in any of the show’s story lines and is just there to promote being a “relationship expert” by fixing the trouble between the ladies.

I don’t blame her since so many women have given their careers a boost from being on these shows, but I just wish that she provided some sort of juicy story line. I feel like such a hater, but I’m just speaking the truth, I want more from my RHONJ ladies.


Aside from wanting to spend more time with her kids and crying about the group drama (has she never seen this show before?), Siggy has no story line and that probably is a very good thing considering the shit storm of drama that the other cast members are constantly embroiled in. But she is not entertaining me and I do actually like her as a person, but as a Housewife, you have to admit she isn’t doing shit.

So it really isn’t surprising that her latest Bravo blog entry is just all about how she’s trying to be close to her family. Don’t get more wrong, that’s great for her as a person, but once again I have to emphasize that she is not bringing anything to this show. To be honest, I usually get up to grab a snack as soon as I see Siggy at the kitchen table with her family. No matter what I end up making, whenever I get back to the couch Siggy and her family are still sitting there and talking about spending more time together – so it is very easy to catch up.

So anyway, I bypassed all of that family talk in her blog to get you to the one (semi-) relevant part of her blog. Siggy talked about why she is on this show in the first place and it’s exactly what I suspected. Siggy admitted, “When I joined The Real Housewives of New Jersey, my intentions were solely to use my expertise to help mend the broken relationships of my friends on the show.”

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Why couldn’t she do this off camera? I do get where she’s coming from because as a “relationship expert,” mending this clique would be the ultimate case study to add to her resume. But selfishly, it would be ruining my beloved show if these ladies were all best friends 24/7.

To be honest, I would be on this show if I got the offer, so I can’t fault Siggy for taking the opportunity, but as a viewer, what is she doing for us? Someone please answer that question. At least Dolores Catania comes in with the comic relief here and there. She had me laughing out loud when she ordered chicken wings while all of the other ladies were arguing in Vermont – a woman after my own heart.

Siggy also lamented, “Although I haven’t been able to accomplish this goal (yet!), due mainly to a lack of cooperation, I am so grateful for this experience for what it has ended up bringing my family and me instead.” Yeah, we get it, your family that seems to be pretty great as it is, is getting even better. I really am happy for her, but again I just have to say that as a TV watcher, she does not bring much entertainment to this show. I’m just hoping Siggy picks up some sass during the reunion episodes.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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