Below Deck Abbi Murphy

Captain Lee Rosbach & Abbi Murphy Have Words On Twitter After She Quits Below Deck

It wasn’t exactly shocking when Abbi Murphy left Below Deck. She just got engaged via text message. She wasn’t exactly a quick study when it came to the deckhand tasks. And she probably started to run out of hair ties.

It was rough timing when she quit though. Tanner Sterback was in bed with a stomach bug for days and it was just Ashton Pienaar and Brian de Saint Pern on deck. Abbi offered to stick it out until Tanner was feeling better, but Captain Lee Rosbach wasn’t having it. He gave Abbi her passport and she left the boat. That wasn’t the end of it though. Thank you, Twitter.

Seasoned Below Deck viewers know how much Captain Lee loves live-tweeting the episodes. Of course, he shared his thoughts on Abbi’s early departure.  Three minutes into last night’s episode, he wrote “And we are on the air. Who’s in? So Abbi, you can’t be professional, or live up to high standards?”

Abbi told the captain, “I had to be professional working for the Governor, working in law, where I was taken seriously and loved what I was doing. I just wasn’t cut out for that type of yachting. First try so I didn’t know until I was there. But thanks for the constant put-downs on twitter!”

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Captain Lee clapped back with “I didn’t do that to you Abbi, you did it to yourself. You’re the one who didn’t honor their word or commitment. It was only 3 more weeks.” I could not imagine how Abbi felt when she got this notification.

Abbi tried to end the conversation with this response: “I understand if you don’t understand that the decision was good for my mental health and my future. On the boat, you were very kind and respectful to me, and I believe you’re a good guy and a good leader. All the best to you and good luck on the rest of the season!” However, the tweets continued from both of them.

RELATED: Below Deck Star Captain Lee Rosbach On Abbi Murphy: “You Were Embarrassing Yourself And The Boat”

In response to a fan who tweeted, “captain Lee is really dragging the girl, she tried, back off old man,” Abbi wrote, “Honestly, on the boat he treated me with respect.Gave great advice and was a nice guy. He was respectful to me over the decision. The tweets aren’t going to change that. They’re only tweets, and I think he’s actually a good guy. Wish him the best, even if that’s not reciprocated!” And it is definitely not reciprocated. Or at least that’s what it seems like on Twitter.

A fan told Captain Lee, “Really, they only show half of what is aired. Abbi learned the hard way as most do. If its not for her, then its not for her. No need for the rude remarks.” Of course, Captain Lee did not overlook that mention. He responded with, “To me, rude is leaving your crewmates in the lurch, half way through the season you committed to. That’s rude.” Damn.

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Captain. Lee. Had. Time. One viewer wrote, “Time to let things go Captain.. it is her journey and if that was her decision then it was hers. Brow beating her is not looking good on your character. You want respect then it might be a good idea to show some respect also.” In response, he tweeted, “As I’ve said before Brandi, you get respect from me by earning it. You don’t get it by just being there. Sorry.”

The fans were divided on this one. Someone tweeted, “I am sad for you @AbbiMurphy9 you had the BEST Captain to gain so much knowledge and be better however you missed the best opportunity life had to offer you.” Abbi seemingly shaded Captain Lee when she wrote, “I work for a great captain now! Who is encouraging and teaches me everything he knows first-hand. I learn so much each and every day working for him, and I’m growing as a sailor. That’s the opportunity I wanted and found!”

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Abbi tried to end the conversation. Again. She tweeted, “Just trying to end this. It happened so long ago at this point. We’ve all moved on and made it work. I’m happy now and I’m wishing the best for him as well!”

In response to a fan who said it “sucked” to watch Abbi quit, Abbi said, “I agree! If it was simply the fact that I had a big learning curve, I would’ve stuck it out. But I was having trouble sleeping, stress eating, questioning every move. It wasn’t good for me. I wish I didn’t feel that way! It would’ve been better for everyone.”

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Abbi also debunked the image that she did not work hard on the boat by posting a screenshot of a text from a charter guest. The text said “Dude all the times you were working and we were all laughing together! None of it!! Editing is a funny thing.”

Keep your head up, Abbi. By the time next week’s episode airs, your storyline will be old news and Captain Lee will be tweeting about someone else. Most likely Chef Kevin Dobson.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]