Married At First Sight Recap: – Ain’t No Wedding Like A West Coast Wedding

Anyone else ready to fast forward through the Married At First Sight weddings and just get straight to the honeymoon? I have so many thoughts about the couples already that I am just ready to see them forced to interact on a daily basis. You definitely learn a lot about a person when you vacation with them. There have been several red flags with some of the participants.  I am anxious to see how things unfold. There are two men in particular that I am not quite sure of their true intentions.

One pair of strangers faces an uncertain future. The four other couples celebrate their weddings under the San Diego sun. At the honeymoon they must face the fact that they are total strangers who are now husband and wife. Let’s get straight to the recap.

Krysten and Mitch

I don’t know what possessed Krysten to tell her father about her plans to marry Mitch at their wedding. Honestly, I don’t think it was necessary. The mere fact, her father jumped on a plane without knowing why shows that he is supportive. Despite the shocking news, her dad decides to give his blessing. Things continue to look up for Krysten when she receives her engagement ring.  She sees it as a sign that she is moving in the right direction. After her failed engagement, she ended up having to pay for the ring, despite not getting married. Meanwhile, Mitch is having every negative thought one can have before walking down the aisle. Once Krysten meets to her groom she is friendly and encouraging, while it is hard to decipher his thoughts.

After the wedding, Mitch continues his negative Nancy bullshit. When his family asks is he happy, he says he doesn’t know how to feel. He is more attracted to lifestyle than looks, so he needs to find out if they both align. Sigh! Why do super particular people sign up for this show? If you are not truly open to someone the experts would pick, why do this? I also found it weird that he kept pointing out that his Krysten was cold, but never once offered her his jacket. He even yells for someone else to bring her a coat at dinner which never appears. The second thing I noticed is Mitch seems to dislike how dressed up Krysten is at her own wedding. Huh? Yeah, I’m not feeling Mitch for a variety of reasons at this point. Luckily for him, Krysten seems oblivious to the red flags, I am already seeing.

When Mitch speaks with Krysten’s mom he struggles to articulate what he thinks of her daughter. He even admits that he thought the mom was his wife when she initially walked down the aisle first. Mom isn’t impressed when he makes it clear that he measures success by his mission in life and not monetarily. Well, looks like that salary discussion is going to be interesting later on.


Lindy and Miguel

After the wedding, Lindy is finally had time to really appreciate her husband, Miguel. Not only does she find him attractive, she loves that he is a doctor. Later, during the couple’s first dance, Miguel learns his wife has never slow danced with anyone before. Due to her religious past, she never went to school dances to have that experience.  He patiently explains the mechanics of the dance, all while she silently swoons. Aww, I’m already really looking forward to watching their story unfold.

Things get a little tense when Miguel tells Lindy’s older brother he isn’t a religious person. She obviously came from a very religious background, so her brother is worried when he learns about his beliefs. But she is so enamored by her husband right now, I’m not sure she will be as worried. Regardless, her brother definitely plans to ask all the questions he deems necessary to protect his sister. Hopefully they can find a common ground as they get to know each other better.

Stacia and Nate

Stacia and Nate are getting along quite nicely. They bond about being independent and being bosses in their own right. Later in the evening, Nate manages to charm his wife’s sister and friends. Meanwhile, Stacia learns her husband has a lot of female friends. She even has the chance to meet the very one that I think she may have to keep her eye on. This woman even begins to cry while talking to Stacia about Nate, for some reason. Insert side eye here.  It’s obvious Stacia isn’t quite feeling this interaction, but remains polite. In a post interview she makes it clear that she has boundaries that she would need her husband not to cross in relation to the other women in his life. I don’t know about everyone else, but this blonde friend is giving friend with benefits or ex vibes.


Alexis and Justin

Alexis is enjoying getting to know Justin. He is saying all of the right things, that she always wanted to hear. Especially that he doesn’t mind letting her shine, while he stands to the side in support. She manages to impress her groom’s friends when she reassures them that she is fully committed to their marriage.  Justin is ecstatic to be married and wants to do whatever possible to keep his wife happy. Their chemistry has definitely evolved. Originally I didn’t think there was any chance this could work, but I am slowly changing my mind.



[Photo Credit: Lifetime]