On Real Housewives of New York, a major rift has formed between Erin Lichy and Brynn Whitfield. Erin took offense to Brynn’s behavior around her husband, but in reality, she’s getting upset over nothing. Even her fellow housewives agree that Erin Lichy overreacted to Brynn Whitfield and needs to cool her jets.
It all happened at Erin’s extravagant 10th anniversary party. The event didn’t really go over well with fans and the other housewives, and Erin seems a little bitter. Erin took issue with Sai De Silva leaving without saying goodbye, and the other housewives for talking during her vow reading. But, to be fair, Erin didn’t provide enough food for her guests, and Sai’s hangriness drove her away. As for the housewives talking during the speeches and vows, there were way too many speakers, and you could barely understand what they were saying.
However, it was Brynn’s interactions with Erin’s husband, Abe, that really got under Erin’s skin. The ladies met up to decorate Christmas wreaths together and Erin ruined their good time with her grudge against Brynn. But really, Erin’s anger is mostly unfounded, and it would serve her, and everyone else, better to forget the incident.
Brynn Was Clearly Joking (and So Was Abe)

Though Erin was not privy to Brynn’s conversation with Abe, we, as viewers, were, and it was abundantly clear that Brynn was not seriously hitting on Abe. She did make jokes about a “wife swap” or getting together with Abe should he divorce Erin. But these remarks were clearly in jest, and Abe didn’t seem to take them seriously. Instead, he was laughing along and throwing back his own jokes, making their interaction harmless banter.
Brynn’s comments weren’t an actual proposition, and Abe didn’t take it that way, or else he would have probably shut it down on the spot. In a confessional, Brynn even mentioned that some of her jokes were references to pop culture moments, and not serious.
Brynn Was More Interested In Erin’s Father and Brother

In reality, it wasn’t her husband that Erin should have been worried about, but rather her father and brother. Brynn was introduced to both of them before her conversation with Abe, and she seemed visibly interested.
She also admitted to exactly that during her same conversation with Abe. Brynn specifically said, “it’s not you I’m interested in, it’s Erin’s dad.” She and Abe proceeded to make jokes about her becoming Erin’s stepmom. Erin’s dad seemingly holds more appeal for Brynn, though if Brynn were to act on this attraction, it would probably get Erin just as riled up.
Brynn Is Always Like This…Not Just With Abe

The main reason that Erin should take this situation in stride is because Brynn wasn’t acting outside the norm with Abe. Brynn is flirty with just about anything with a pulse, and she also has a goldfish-level attention span when it comes to men. Throughout the season, we’ve seen Brynn flirt with nearly every man she came into contact with—something that Erin herself has laughed about.
After Erin stormed out of the wreath-decorating party, her fellow housewives all brushed off Brynn’s comments to Abe, chalking it up to her naturally flirty personality. Most of Brynn’s flirtations are harmless and in jest, so the other housewives know not to take it seriously.
After all, if Brynn really was interested in Abe, propositioning him at his anniversary party, with his wife present and cameras rolling, isn’t the way she’d go about it. Let’s not forget, Jessel Taank was standing with Brynn and Abe the entire time they were talking. It was a group conversation, and Jessel tried to convince Erin that it was all just joking around.
No matter what her fellow housewives said, Erin overreacted and yelled, “you guys all suck” before leaving. It’s clear to her castmates and viewers that nothing is going on between Brynn and Abe. Though Brynn may want to develop a better filter, as the jokes she made weren’t the most appropriate for the setting, Erin still took things way too seriously and she should just let the matter drop.