(Photo by zerojack/Star Max/GC Images)

Terry and Heather Dubrow Say Health Emergency Saved Thousands

Despite the sale of Chateau Dubrow for the staggering price of $55 million being a banner event in the lives of Real Housewives of Orange County’s Heather and Dr. Terry Dubrow this year, they had a scary setback a few months ago. Terry crankily sought medical attention at Heather’s insistence after she noticed his speech was slurred during dinner.

Terry was diagnosed with a transient ischemic attack (TIA). It has stroke-like symptoms and often serves as a warning sign that a stroke might happen in the future. Terry’s now doing well and says his medical emergency was “the best thing that’s ever happened to him.” Thankfully, it enabled him and Heather to use their platform to get the word out to others. It could potentially save tons of lives.

Terry shared stroke statistics and what to do if you suspect someone is having one

TMZ ran into Terry and Heather while they were out and about in Century City, CA. They asked, “What’s happening,” and launched Terry into a full-blown presentation on strokes, complete with statistics. According to Terry, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds, and sadly, someone dies of a stroke every four minutes. Additionally, the chances of stroke reversal and full recovery are dramatically increased if someone suspected of having a stroke receives medical attention within one hour. It’s coined “the golden hour.”

Though Terry’s usually tasked with fixing botched boobs and butts, his own stroke scare has empowered him to save lives. He and Heather claim that the amount of DMs they’ve received since sharing their experience has been immense. Humble as ever – they say that this leads them to believe they’re responsible for already having saved “hundreds if not thousands” of lives. Perhaps this mission will be Heather’s newest gig since we’re still waiting to find out if she actually quit the RHOC life!

The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Wednesday nights on Bravo at 8/7c.