The Below Deck franchise has seen some interesting cast members throughout its various seasons and spin-offs over the years. While many of them have been a pleasure to watch, others have been more troublesome. Below Deck has seen dozens of “villains” since its debut. However, these five crew members stand out as the absolute worst!
Kyle Viljoen
Kyle Viljoen was featured on Below Deck Mediterranean Seasons 7 and 8, where he did more than just stir the pot. While Kyle was problematic in Season 7, his true colors really shone through in Season 8.
Kyle made more enemies than friends onboard, and was fake even toward people he considered himself to be close with. From the moment he stepped onboard, it seemed like Kyle was on a mission to cause chaos and divide the crew. For instance, Kyle pretended to be friends with fellow Stew Natalya Scudder, while talking smack behind her back to the rest of the crew.
Things with Kyle got so out of hand, that Captain Sandy Yawn had to step in for a serious intervention. Captain Sandy told Kyle that he was the common denominator of all the negativity on board, and that she didn’t want someone like him onboard. Nonetheless, Kyle continued to start fights with his fellow crew members whenever he got the chance.
Kyle Dickard

Men named Kyle just don’t seem to thrive in the Below Deck franchise! Kyle Dickard was much worse than Kyle Viljoen, and was asked to resign only three episodes into Below Deck Adventure Season 1. While Kyle V was messy, Kyle D was straight-up a terrible person.
Kyle crossed many lines that Below Deck Deckhands should just never cross. Kyle’s first big mistake was flirting with one of the Stews in front of guests, which is completely unprofessional. The worst of Kyle’s behavior was shown when he made a racist remark to fellow Deckhand Nathan Morley, and even threatened him when he would not flush a toilet. Who does that?!
Ashton Pienaar
Ashton Pienaar served as both a Deckhand and Bosun between Below Deck Seasons 6 and 7. While Ashton had some good moments, they were outbalanced by many unfortunate mishaps. Ashton was involved in a life threatening incident onboard when his foot got stuck in a tow line, and a cameraman came to the rescue. Of course this was not enough to label him as a villain, but some of his other behavior certainly was.
During Season 7, Ashton began partying harder than normal and eventually noted that he had a drinking problem. While Ashton is currently sober, his alcoholism did contribute to some of his negative behavior onscreen. Ashton made Chief Stew Kate Chastain particularly uncomfortable and even punched the wall of a van one night in a fit of anger.
Gary King
Where do I even begin with Gary King? Gary is arguably the biggest player Below Deck has ever seen. The First Officer flirted with almost every female crew member, during his three seasons on Below Deck Sailing Yacht. Not only did Gary flirt obsessively, but he made a lot of the women feel uncomfortable, especially when he pursued them while they were working.
To make things worse, Gary was accused of sexual misconduct by one of the show’s make-up artists after Sailing Yacht Season 4 aired. This created uncertainties about Gary’s return for Season 5, and he was removed from the BravoCon 2023 lineup as a result.
Chef Mila Kolomeitseva
Below Deck has seen some pretty bad chefs, but no one was as bad as Mila Kolomeitseva. Mila served as the Chef at the beginning of Below Deck Med Season 4. However, she was later fired after presumably lying on her resume.
Chef Mila hit culinary lows never seen before on the franchise. One of her worst moments was serving the guests Aunt Jemima pancakes, as she didn’t even know how to make her own batter. Mila was also pretty unhygienic, and was caught licking steaks that she planned to serve to the guests. The worst thing about Mila was her attitude, as she did not seem to realize how much of a problem she was causing for both the guests and her fellow crew members.