Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 14 Recap: Gary Breaks the Rules on a School Night

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 14
Photo by: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo via Getty Images

We’re back with the recap for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 14. Last time, despite being less than happy with the service, the departing charter guests left a pretty decent tip for a single-night stay. Daisy laid down the law for a “manipulative” Danni, before finally playing a little kissy-face with Keith. The new charter guests were an awesome group of drag queens, but sadly, Cloyce’s kitchen mishaps left them unimpressed. Here’s exactly what went down on BDSY Season 5, Episode 14: “Rules of En-rage-ment.”

What happened in Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 14?

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 14

In this week’s episode, Chase and Gary’s resentment toward each other continues, while Daisy realizes that Gary is not what she wants for her future. After a drag night dinner, Daisy and the deck crew accompany the guests ashore to a club. But after Daisy, Keith and Gary break Captain Glenn’s two-drink rule, Gary loses his temper and snaps at Glenn. Here are some of the highlights from BDSY Season 5, Episode 14.

Gary and Chase bicker like a married couple

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 14
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

When last we saw our charter guests, they were still waiting for the next course of their dinner. Cloyce is attempting to smoke some filets in the galley, but the smoker is malfunctioning. It’s been 15 minutes since the last course was presented.

Finally, Cloyce presents pan-seared filet with a peach and hickory smoke. “Oh, it was worth the wait,” Lola LeCroix admits. “It’s delicious.”

Chase is on anchor watch. It’s nice to see someone on the overnight who actually works. He spends the whole night cleaning, rather than sleeping and making excuses in the morning.

While tying the tender to the side of the boat, Gary tells Chase repeatedly to “put a cable tie on that shackle, so we don’t lose it.”

“Gary has the leadership skills of a f*cking helicopter parent,” Chase complains in a confessional. But then, what does he do? He drops the shackle and it sinks to the bottom of the deep, blue sea.

“You’re a f*cking idiot,” Gary yells in frustration, as Chase apologizes profusely.

“This guy just doesn’t listen,” Gary interviews. “If we don’t have the shackle on the tender, we can’t tow the tender. And that means that dickhead is going to have to drive the tender to the dock, which is going to be sh*tty.”

Don’t they keep a spare somewhere for mishaps just like this?

“Yeah, I dropped a shackle in the water,” Chase interviews. “I make mistakes. I’m human. He’s trying to make me feel bad, even though he knows I didn’t mean to do it. Gary just loves tearing me down.”

Fortunately, Gary finds a spare down in the storage locker. “Yeah, baby!” he yells.

Diana and Danni complain about not going to the club

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 14
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Gary’s trying to give Daisy a backrub while she’s working. “I’ve never seen Keith give you a back massage,” he laughs. That’s because Keith is a professional and doesn’t flirt with the girls while he’s working.

“Gary, you actually have to, like, rein it in,” Daisy tells him. “This is what got us in trouble before.”

“I’m learning as I get older,” Daisy says in a confessional. “I think I’m better at knowing what I want in a partner … There’s Gary, who’s like a f*cking yo-yo. I pick up on that [energy], and then I become hysterical and reactive … And then you’ve got Keith, who’s just so level-headed and safe and secure.”

“It’s really nice to have that energy that’s stable,” she adds. “I think that’s really good for me. I’m 36. I’m learning so much about myself.”

Daisy tells the girls they’re not going to the club with the guests tonight. She doesn’t want to deal with their whining about who gets to go and who has to stay, so she tells them she wants them each to get nine hours’ rest for once. “That way, you two will be well rested,” she says.

Diana takes it in stride, saying, “It’s up to you.”

But Danni takes the low road. “Somebody get my f*cking pumpkin,” she complains in a confessional. “Because I am Cinderella, and Daisy is my evil stepmother, this bitch will prevent me from going to the ball.”

Oh, but then Diana adds in her own confessional, “She’s doing it on purpose because she’s mad at Danni, and now it’s affecting me. It’s not fair.” Suck it up, buttercup. You’re not on a pleasure cruise; you’re working.

Gary, Daisy and Keith break Captain Glenn’s mandate

Tonight the guests are requesting the male portion of the crew do a drag show for dinner. Gary’s up for that, since he’s done it before.

“Without further ado,” Daisy announces, as the guys come out. They all look lovely in sparkles and colored wigs. Even Glenn gets into the act, sashaying in his blacks, wearing a green wig. “A” for effort, Glenn.

“Does the carpet match the drapes?” a guest wants to know.

Going ashore with the guests are Daisy, Gary, Chase and Keith. Glenn sets out the rules: “Two drinks [maximum, and] you guys are back on the boat at two o’clock.” Tomorrow’s a school day.

“Anybody forfeiting the rules tonight will be forfeiting their share of the tip,” the captain adds.

“My job as a chief stew is to make sure the guests get what they want,” Daisy interviews. “They think this is fun and games, but this isn’t fun for me. I want to be in bed.”

Back on the boat, the two long-suffering junior stews complain about their boss. “I think Daisy’s used to stews that just shut up and take it,” Danni says in a confessional. “But Diana and I aren’t those two girls.”

At the bar, despite Glenn’s two-drink mandate, Daisy’s had three drinks and Gary’s had four.

When Chase tries to remind Gary, “Let’s not f*cking drink too much,” Gary snaps, “Chase, shut up … I’m going to get sh*tfaced. Two drinks for me is like nothing.”

Eventually, Keith has four drinks, while Chase sticks at one. He has to work overnight, so he can’t get drunk. In the meantime, Gary’s had 10 drinks and Daisy’s had four. Well, two, and two shots. Glenn is not going to be happy.

Captain Glenn’s “disappointed” in Gary

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 14
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

At promptly 2:00 am, the crew and the guests roll up to the boat and find Dad waiting for them. While the guests want more drinks, Glenn realizes Gary’s drunk and sends him off to bed. No tip for you, Gary.

Even though he heads down toward his cabin, Gary decides to sneak back up the hatch onto the deck for a smoke. He’s giggling and harassing Chase, who’s just doing his job and hosing down the deck. I think Chase should just turn around and spray Gary with the hose. That would sober him up.

“Go to sleep you f*cking idiot,” Chase says in a confessional.

Gary’s sitting on the deck still in drag when Glenn comes up and tells him sternly, “[Chase] is working. Finish your cigarette and go to bed.”

“I’ve worked with Gary a long time,” Glenn says in a confessional. “For him to disappoint me in this way, doesn’t make any sense. I don’t understand it … Gary knows better than this.” Seriously? Has he met Gary?

Finally, the guests go to bed at 3:15. Poor Daisy must be exhausted.

When at last Gary and Daisy return to their cabin, she tells him, “You need to go to bed … You are a little bit drunk.” A little bit? He’s a lotta bit drunk.

But Gary’s still insisting he’s sober. “I want to believe that Gary wants to change,” Daisy says in a confessional. “Then he spirals again. He’s just so self-destructive. It’s incredibly painful to watch. And to be honest, Gary’s just not what I want for my future. He’s just not growing up.”

Glenn has a come to Jesus meeting with his crew

Below Deck Sailing Yacht
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Daisy and Gary know they’re in trouble, cause Glenn’s not speaking to them.

After the guests depart, Glenn radios for Daisy, Gary, Chase and Keith to meet him in the master cabin. Uh oh. Here it comes.

“So last night you guys went out with the guests,” Glenn starts. “I set some ground rules, but I could tell that you had more than two drinks.”

When Glenn asks Gary how many drinks he had, he admits to five (it was TEN). What happened to going sober?

Keith says “four or five,” while Daisy had two drinks and two shots. Boy Scout Chase had one beer.

“I don’t want to take you guys’ tip. But if I set a rule and … I don’t follow up, it’s a f*cking free for all, isn’t it?” Glenn asks.

“You’re right,” Daisy says. “I broke the rules and I apologize.”

“In all honesty, I was not f*cked up last night,” Gary says angrily. “You can take 100% [of his tip] from me, Glenn. You clearly need the cash.”

But Glenn doesn’t like Gary’s attitude, and neither do I. Gary can’t talk to his boss like that and expect to keep his job. But then, it’s Glenn we’re talking about here. He’s kind of blind to Gary’s bad behavior.

“You were not forced to drink, Gary,” Glenn responds. “You knew the rules, [and] you broke the f*cking rules.” This next episode is going to be wild…

Below Deck Sailing Yacht airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.