Teen Mom 2’s Chelsea Houska’s Boyfriend Adam Lind Arrested For A DWI; Chelsea Bails Him Out!

With Teen Mom, original sauce cancelled, Teen Mom 2 gotta pick up the slack and unfortunately, the cast members of MTV’s notorious trainwreck reality show are continuing to keep themselves in the news for breaking the law.

In the latest, Adam Lind, 21, the sometimes boyfriend of Chelsea Houska, was arrested for a DWI Saturday morning. Adam was pulled over for riding his motorcycle while allegedly intoxicated and driving on a suspended license. RadarOnline is reporting that Adam was arrested by Minnehaha County Sheriffs in Sioux Falls, South Dakota around 2:30 am Saturday morning. He was held behind bars for a few hours and released on $450 bail.

“He was charged with driving under the influence, exhibition driving and driving on a suspended license,” an insider reveals. Witnesses report Adam had been bar hopping all night and was driving home on his motorcycle when he was pulled over after the police observed him “hotdogging”.

Adam was bailed out by, but who else, Chelsea – who cannot seem to give up on the unwilling to reform bad boy. Sources report that she posted his bail early Saturday morning. Adam is due back in court April 26th to face charges associated with his arrest.

This is, of course, not the first arrest for father of the year, Adam, who even has a prior for underaged drinking! According to sources, “Adam turned 21 in January and has been drinking even more since then.”

Even worse, a source tells Starcasm, that this is Adam’s second DUI arrest since reaching the milestone birthday! Wowzers! Adam’s mug shot has not been released yet, but we’ll keep you posted once it surfaces on the net!