Danielle Staub Says Jacqueline Laurita “Doesn’t Have A Genuine Bone In Her Body” & She Helped Jacqueline With Her Kids Every Day

During the first two seasons of Real Housewives of New Jersey, Danielle Staub was cast as the outsider causing trouble among a tight knit group of family and friends. Her closest friend was Jacqueline Laurita who struggled trying to please her family while still being her own person.

As we all know, the ladies refused to film with Danielle, she got the boot, Jacqueline is off the show, and Danielle is back talking to anyone who will listen about her “perfect relationship with Teresa Giudice.” Danielle may seem to be more zen than the woman we “met” back when RHONJ first started, but make no mistake, she still has an ax to grind and she has a lot of hostility directed toward Jacqueline and Caroline Manzo.

In an interview with Bravo’s The Daily Dish podcast, Danielle said, “I almost came back a few times and it was the eleventh hour. I was scared.” I would love to know what “almost” actually means, but I don’t really care because I am all about this Danielle Staub comeback.

Why was Danielle “scared” to come back on the show? She confessed, “Caroline was still on the show. I gotta tell you something, I’m not violent. Inside I’m broken. When I was walking away from the reunion during Season 2, I looked so calm, cool, and collected. I come from abuse from when I was little all the way up. You just have a tendency that when you meet a bear in the woods, you don’t get intimated by it.”

Aside from Danielle, Teresa Giudice also seems to be elated that Caroline and Jacqueline aren’t on the show anymore. Danielle remarked, “I think she’s really grown as a person. Getting rid of those toxic people that she had in her life- they were feeding her a lot of arsenic and she was getting sick from it. I think if she hadn’t been taken away from it the way she was, I think something maybe worse may have happened because those people are not good to be around.” What is she even talking about though? How bad could it get?

She was pushed to identify who “those people” were and Danielle said, “Caroline Manzo and Jacqueline Laurita. They are toxic at the highest level of toxicity. It’s arsenic that they feed you. If they would have left Teresa and I alone, we would have had a beautiful relationship. They made her feel like she was the one who had to defend them.” I don’t know about all of that, but I guess we will never really know in this situation full of hypothetical scenarios.
One scenario that is far from hypothetical is Danielle’s disdain for Jacqueline. Danielle declared, “Jacqueline and I will never make up ever. I don’t want her anywhere around my life. She doesn’t have a genuine bone in her body. She’s toxic. The highest level of toxic.”
Then things really got interesting when Danielle claimed to have a big role in the Laurita household: “I spent every single solitary day with her for three years. I was running to get CJ from school because she can’t drive for some reason. Thirteen cars and you can’t drive? She had anxiety, so I didn’t make fun of it. I did what I had to do. Ashlee [Holmes]– the one that pulled the hair out of my head- I drove her to school everyday. She was afraid her mom would be mad at her so she would call me when she missed the bus, which was almost everyday. I take my kids to private school, come back to Franklin Lakes on a corner, and grab her on a corner and take her. My kids are going to school at private school in an hour away in the other direction.”
In an obvious to move to shift the conversation toward Danielle’s beef with Dolores Catania, Danielle was asked if loyalty can have a negative effect. Danielle took the bait and said, “I think loyalty in the dictionary as opposed to what Dolores thinks, does not have her picture there. If it did, it would say her name and not a picture, unless you’re looking at a pictionary. Just saying. I’m so glad I got that off my chest.” I had the SAME issue with the tag line and any other reference to a picture being in a dictionary. It just makes no sense.
Aside from taking issue with that tagline, Danielle was also very offended by something Dolores said during the first episode of Season 8. She complained, “I have Dolores saying ‘the ghost of Christmas past.’ Who says that? I thought that was so unnecessary.” Really? That’s what she takes major umbrage with? Nothing about being called a “crazy scumbag”? That is way worse in my book
Danielle teased, “I’m going to pick it up and amp it up throughout the season. It’s fun, it’s invigorating, and I’m loving to see what these girls are going to say behind my back. That’s the best part, but that’s OK. I have a few things to say about them too.” Oh I’m sure she does.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]