The Real Reason For The RHONY Firings Revealed! Plus, Alex McCord VIDEO Recaps & PHOTOS: LuAnn And Sonja!

Andy Cohen has finally spilled the beans on the firings that shook Real Housewives of New York. No, he didn’t have a personal vendetta against Jill Zarin – although that’s what she’d like us all to think. And no, Bethenny Frankel didn’t influence the decisions – research did!

Say what?! Andy uses graphs and charts to cast the crazy?! According to a new interview with AdAge, Andy credited research for the reasoning behind the firings. “We snort up research like fine Colombian cocaine,” he admitted of the Bravomeisters approach to determining what viewers want.

“I love Twitter because it’s a live focus group,” said Andy, explaining that one reason certain cast members of RHONY were let go was because of negative feedback about them on social media.


Andy relies on the platform because of the engagement with the audiences it allows. “I’m the biggest shit-stirrer on the planet and I get paid to do it,” he opines.

As for the Housewives turning into a business platform, Andy admits he’s keenly aware that it annoys the viewers and it isn’t his favorite direction for the shows to go in. “We don’t love the product shilling, but if it’s good for the story, it needs to be covered.”

“I’m a big believer in going with your gut. Do what you want, but if it’s not what the other person wants, let go,” he says of his approach to his job. “Learn from your failures and at least try to study what didn’t work.” And a key part of that: “know your audience.”

Moving on, it seems like Alex McCord has found herself a new job. The former Housewife is now a Housewives recapper for RumorFix. Yep – for the past month or so she’s been doing video recaps of the show that she once worked for. My how the mighty have fallen. You can check out a sample of Alex’s new profession below!

In other RHONY news, Sonja Morga and LuAnn de Lesseps are flaunting their friendship in Pinot Singer‘s face. Don’t they know she’ll explode and start spewing grape-ade poison all over the streets of Manhattan. LuAnn and Sonja spent the weekend together in the Hamptons and posted some photos on Twitter.

Somewhere, Ramona is fuming and fermenting the perfect wine in her brain. Ramona Singer AngerJuice coming soon! “@SonjaTMorga is staying with me this weekend in the Hamptons! It’s going to be a fun weekend :)) xo,” LuAnn tweeted. Photos of LuOnja are below.

Finally, tonight is an all-new episode of RHONY. In tonight’s episode, titled: “The Cool Girls,” Heather continues planning a Ramona-free trip to London. Aviva is concerned about Ramona’s feelings and encourages Heather and Ramona to try and see eye-to-eye, yet again. And Sonja plans a party for Aviva.

Real Housewives of New York airs tonight on Bravo at 9/8c. Reality Tea will be live-Tweeting the episode, so don’t forget to join us and make your opinions heard! We’re very funny, just so you know!


Sonja, Sonja’s Niece, and LuAnn

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