Luann de Lesseps Suggests The Radziwill Family Is Unhappy About Carole Radziwill’s RHONY Story; Carole Trashes “Countessa” On Twitter!

Luann de Lesseps vs. Carole Radziwill (Carole poses with her MIL Lee Radziwill)

Luann de Lesseps and Carole Radziwill were once quite close, but sadly family drama came between them when Carole started dating Luann’s niece’s ex-boyfriend, Adam. There is some speculation that Carole cheated with Adam, which is what rankled Luann.

And sadly, the Real Housewives Of New York stars’ drama has spilled over onto twitter – first with Luann ripping Carole a new one, then apologizing. But now it’s Carole who spends her days – when she should be writing a book – writing nasty tweets about the “Countessa.” 

This latest round started when Carole read Luann’s blog, which naturally discussed Carole and Dorinda Medley‘s emotional trip to London. Commenting on the rumors that the Radziwill family is unhappy Carole chose to make Anthony’s death a storyline, Luann hints that it might be true. Which was an uncalled for comment on Luann’s behalf. 


“The reality of being a Real Housewife is that we have our ups and downs just like other women, and underneath our designer dresses are hearts that love and break,” writes Luann.

“I think anyone going through the death of a spouse could learn a lot from the conversation between Carole and Dorinda about how they felt when their husbands died,” opines Luann. “Survivor guilt is real and feeling relieved when the person you love dies is normal, especially after a long illness. Both these women loved their husbands, and their honesty with each other was refreshing.”

“As for their thoughts on me and my past with my husband, I appreciate that Dorinda stuck up for me saying I made a very good countess,” says Luann. “My marriage exposed me to fascinating people, and I had the chance to travel the world and for that I’m grateful, and I continue living life to the fullest.”

Carole, who is normally too cool for hugging or sharing her feelings, lets us know that if she could have anything in the world, it would be one more day with her husband Anthony. For someone who is not a hugger, Carole could use a hug. Life is unpredictable, and it doesn’t always work out like we plan,” adds Luann. “It’s what we make of our lives that matters, and regardless of how I feel about my friendship with Carole, I feel for her, but I’m not sure how the Radziwills feel about this whole story being played out on television.

A dig. And inappropriate, Luann. But did it warrant Carole’s attack?  You decide below: 

According to the wisdom of the tweets, Carole has brandished Luann a jealous, disrespectful, classless, bitter, and miserable woman whose hateful true colors are showing. Carole also accused Luann of being behind the recent story about the Radziwill family being unhappy with Carole’s choice of storyline. “Here ‘s the secret: when ‘a friend’ is the source the story is BS. #cowards #fastforward #peaceout” 

“She has no class. My family & my husband’s all have respect for me,” Carole continued. “A decent person wouldn’t make snide comments. And I do know my family. We have nothing but respect &love.” In her own blog Carole said she remained close with her mother-in-law, Lee Radziwill, who happens to be Jackie O’s sister. Lee has not publicly commented on Carole’s appearance on RHONY, nor on her book, What Remains. That’s Carole with Lee in the photo above. 

As for Luann’s blog, Carole dismisses it as “insincere” and full of “false praise.”  

“I’m not surprised. People can’t hide their true character for long,” added Carole. “There will always be petty hateful people who feel better abt themselves by putting others down. They r 2 be pitied.” 

Some more of Carole’s tweets are below!


And onto the other parts of the episode, here’s the rest of Lu’s blog!

“When Ramona [Singer] was rehashing the Turks and Caicos men in villa drama with Sonja, I couldn’t believe that she called Ramona my ‘wing man,'” scoffs Luann. “I can assure you, Ramona was the pilot that night. It was Carole and Heather who broke the #GirlCode, not me. Sonja made a good point about sex on the beach, but for us, that night was about cocktails on the deck and lots of flirting.”

Bethenny [Frankel] at her party stocked the bar with booze and good-looking men…perfect! Ramona needs to lighten up and realize that every party isn’t going to be filled with 55-year-old men who look like models and are also successful. She will have to hire a matchmaker if she is that impatient. Sonja and I had a fabulous time mixing and mingling, and we both know that it’s the journey that matters, not the destination.”

Well, there you have it! So the real question is: who broke TwitterCode?


 [Photo Credits: Jeff Grossman/ & Joseph Marzullo/]


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